President George H.W. Bush


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Presentation transcript:

President George H.W. Bush Chapter 26

Election of 1988 Election of 1988 Candidates: Republican- George W. Bush Democrat- Michael Dukakis Issues - Problems of the Reagan administration. Iran-Contra Affair. Campaign- Bush controversy in choosing Dan Quayle as V.P. Dukakis snubs Jessie Jackson (Black) for Bentsen. Willie Horton and Dukakis Very Negative campaign with a number of Political Action Committees (PAC) money. Outcome- Bush wins 54% to 46%, but the Democrats won the majority in Congress.

President George H. W. Bush 41st President- 1989-1993- Republican Who was he? Inauguration Speech “Read my lips. No new taxes.” “Thousand points of light” volunteers Campaign against drugs. Problems faced Large budget deficit and national debt that had tripled under Reagan Savings and Loan collapse- $500 Billion from taxpayers to cover losses. Energy department cleanup of nuclear waste- $200 billion Exxon Valdez oil spill

President George H. W. Bush Foreign Affairs and Problems End of Cold War and changes in Europe. Tianamen Square in China Berlin Wall falls START I signed Invasion of Panama- “Operation Just Cause” Persian Gulf War- “Operation Desert Storm”- 38 days and 100 hours on the ground. Lifts sanctions against South Africa Aid package to former Soviet Union. Domestic Affairs and Problems Bush raises taxes Inflation soaring Anti- Drug Laws Americans with Disabilities Act Bill to reduce federal budget Fair labor standards amendment Immigration Act of 1990

Operation Desert Storm August 2 Iraq invades Kuwait. August 5 President Bush declares invasion "will not stand." November 29 UN Security Council authorizes use of "all means necessary" to eject Iraq from Kuwait. January 12 Congress authorizes use of force. January 17 Allied attack begins with Apache strike at 2:38 A.M. February 24 Ground attack begins. Schwarzkopf decides to accelerate main attack of VII Corps by fifteen hours. February 26 Iraqis flee Kuwait City. VII Corps hits Republican Guard in Battle of 73 Easting. February 28 Cease-fire takes effect at 8 A.M. June 8 Victory parade in Washington. (2:25)

Election of 1992 Election of 1992 Candidates: Republican- George W. Bush Democrat- William Clinton Reform Party- Ross Perot Issues - primarily around economic issues and the end of the Cold War. Campaign- The third party candidacy of Ross Perot was a true wild card in the campaign. Perot, a self made billionaire, ran a one-issue campaign - deficit reduction. Clinton’s image of youth convinced many to vote for him. Outcome- Clinton wins close race 43%to 38% and 370 electoral to 168.