AUSTRALIAN FLAG!!! By Amy Steele!!!
Question 1. When was the Australian Flag Design? In 1900, just before the colonial states joined in Federation. A public competition was held, and several winners, with very similar designs, shared the prize money.
Question 2. When was it first flown? It was first flown in September 1901. The year of Federation.
Question 3. Where there any Causes? Some causes were if we didn’t have a flag, we wouldn’t have any identity.
Question 4. Did the community help? The community helped to design it. The community participated in a competition to design the new National Flag!
Question 5. Why are the colours Blue, Red and White? The Red and White are for the Union Jack. Blue - vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice. White - peace and honesty. Red - hardiness, bravery, strength & valour
Other Interesting Facts!!! When the Flag was designed and was accepted, the 25 pounds today would be worth $10,000.
How has it shaped the Australian identity? It has shaped the Australian identity because, It shows who we are and what we belong to!
Picture of the Australian Flag!!!
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