Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology What is “biotechnology?”
Problem: Restaurants and grocery stores want to be able to sell apple slices, but once you slice the apple, it begins to brown. Is it possible to create an apple that doesn’t turn brown? How would you do this?
Farmers have been changing organisms for years through…. Selective Breeding Choosing the “best” traits for breeding Most domestic animals are products of this process, also known as artificial selection.
Sometimes new breeds are created because a chance MUTATION changes some aspect of the organism. Wild mustard plants are the ancestors of many of these grocery store staples. Scottish Fold cat - a mutation results in the ears turning downward.
Most domestic animals are the result of artificial selection
Could selective breeding be used to create a non-browning apple Could selective breeding be used to create a non-browning apple? What would you need?
Organisms can also be changed by crossbreeding them with other organisms to try to blend the traits. Poodles don’t shed, if you want a non-shedding type of golden retriever, try a “golden-doodle.” You could also get a “labradoodle!”
These are also referred to as hybrids These are also referred to as hybrids. Some of the fruit you eat are actually hybrids. How could you use hybridization to create a non-browning apple? Tangerine + grapefruit = tangelo Granny smith apples are a cross between the european wild apple and the domestic apple
Let’s review some concepts we’ve talked about so far: 1. Biotechnology 2. Artificial selection 3. Selective breeding 4. Hybridization 5. Domestication 6. Mutants
What if we could insert genes into a species without having to go through the breeding process? GENETIC MODIFICATION (genetic engineering) Organisms that contain genes from more than one species (or inserted genes) are called: TRANSGENIC organisms
Gene causes these mice to glow in the dark Gene causes these mice to glow in the dark. Normally, the gene is found in jellyfish.
Transgenic Organisms - Contain genes from other species Bacteria contain human insulin genes Animals who can produce more milk (or spider silk!) Plants that are resistant to pests
GMO = genetically modified organism organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering Genes are usually added Sometimes genes are removed How could we use genetic modification to create a non-browning apple? What would we need to know?
DNA extraction – process where DNA is removed from cells The sequence of DNA can be used for: - paternity tests - solving crimes - establishing lineages (evolution) - diagnosing disorders
- DNA is cut into fragments, and separated by size. How is DNA analyzed? Gel Electrophoresis - DNA is cut into fragments, and separated by size.
This image shows a DNA fingerprint where DNA from a bloodstain at a crime scene is compared to suspect DNA. Which suspect is a match to the bloodstain?
This is what a DNA fingerprint would look like for a paternity test This is what a DNA fingerprint would look like for a paternity test. Which male is the father?
Electrophoresis can diagnosis sickle cell anemia.
Cloning 1. Organisms with the same genetic code 2. Twins are natural clones 3. Clones can be created in the lab The first clones were made with this process: ARTIFICIAL TWINNING
How to Clone a Sheep
We have the technology to clone humans, but should we? Can you think of any good reasons for cloning an organism? What about a human?
Clones do exist naturally. These are identical twins.
Click and Clone
1. An animal that contains the genes of another species, like the glow-in-the-dark mice, is called a __________ organism. 2. A _______ is a genetically identical organism. 3. In humans, a naturally occurring clone is a ________ 4. The first mammal that was cloned from a skin cell was a _______
5. With regard to is necessary to have which of the following? Check all that apply... ___Cell from the adult to be cloned ___Egg with nucleus intact ___Embryo ___Surrogate mother ___ Sperm ___ Stem cells ___ Egg with nucleus removed
This “arctic apple” has been modified to remove the gene that causes browning. It is not transgenic.