Course Title: Medical Entomology Course Code:(6501112)
Course Description 1. Topics to be Covered List of Topics No. of Weeks Contact Hours Introduction to medical entomology 1 4 Insects and medical purpose of its study The history of entomology Environment and the behavior of disease General characteristics of insects , The main taxonomic frame of classification Arthropods of medical importance to humans (Superorder Panorpida, Order Dipetra, Suborder Nematocera, Family Culicidae, Genus: Anopheles meigen Genus: Culex, Genus: Mansonia Genus: Aedes, Genus:Phlebotomus, Genus:Lutzomyia, Suborder Brachycera, Family Simuliidae, Genus: Simuliumyahense Family Tabanoidea, Genus:Tabanus . Simosyrphus Family Muscidae, Genus: Musca, Trypanosoma spp Order: Hemiptera, Suborder: Homoptera (Icerya aegyptiaca) Order:Siphonaptera(Pulex irritants) Order: Psocoptera, Order: Dictyoptera Class Arachnida (Scorpion, Spider, ticks and mites), snails, Cyclopes.
Course Components 2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester): Contact hours 60 Credit Hours 3 Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Practical Other: Total Contact Hours 30 60 Credit 2 1 3
Course grades Total Final Written Exam Practical Exam Midterm Written Exam quizzes and attendance Name of Course 100 40 20 Medical Entomology
Umm Al-Qura University بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Umm Al-Qura University Health Sciences College at Al-Leith Department of Public Health Lecture (1)
Medical Entomology General introduction to medical entomology
Objectives 1/ Recognize Arthropods that affect human Health. 2/ Define of Entomology and Medical Entomology. 3/ Give an example of Insect-borne diseases. 4/ Explain the association between Arthropods and human Health. 5/ Explain mode of Insect-borne diseases Transmission to Human.
Introduction to Medical Entomology The science that deals to study the insects. Medical Entomology: Is a specialization that involves the study of those insects that are of medical importance. Example:( mosquitoes, lice, house fly, tick, mites, bed bug, fleas, cockroaches……………etc)
House fly
Sand fly
Bed bug
The History of Entomology In 1868 Fedtschenko discovered that the guinea worm (Dracunculus medinensis) underwent its early development in a Cyclops. In 1877 Patrick Manson discovered that bancroftian filariasis (Wuchereria bancrofti) underwent development in mosquitoes.
What is the average amount of insects that are on the earth’s surface? More than 750,000 species of insects have been identified.
Are all insects harmful to humans? No. Only about 10,000 are harmful to humans.
Association between arthropods and human health Insect and other arthropods can directly affect healthy mans by: 1- Transmitting diseases. 2- Annoyance to man by their bites. 3- Poisonous to man. 4- Severe irritations.
3- Poisonous to man Spider scorpion
4- Severe irritations Bed bug
Methods of disease transmission Vectors transmits pathogens or parasites from man to another by the following methods: 1- Mechanical transmission For example: House flies carry the pathogens on their hairy legs, feet and bodies. vector serves only as mechanical vector.
House fly
2- Biological transmission The pathogens have undergone multiplication and/or development within the insect. In addition biological transmission including: Transovarial transmission Pathogens penetrate the ovaries of vector, result infected eggs.
Transstadial transmission: The infection is acquired by one of the immature stages and passed to later immature stage or adults.
Thanks Radia 32