m/s thermaguard technologies pvt. ltd; Presented by: sudhir wadkar Introducing………..a way to: Making your “Ion-Exchange Units” & “Pre-Treatment Units” more efficient m/s thermaguard technologies pvt. ltd; Presented by: sudhir wadkar
Heart Of The System “Ion-Exchangers” & “Filters” Internals Header – Laterals Type Inlet Distributor Header – Laterals & Nozzles On Laterals Type Bottom Collection System Nozzles-On-Plate Type Distributor Nozzles-On-Plate Type Bottom Collector Radial Hub – Type Distributor & Collectors etc.
Results Due to Your Heart Of The System (Internals): Unequal hydraulic conditions of the nozzles aimed for ‘distribution & collection’ Unequal flow distribution & collection in a ‘unit time’ due to unequal hydraulic conditions! Unequal velocity generated due to unequal hydraulic forces applied Un-even exhaustion (of the resin bed) Or media bed utilization (in media filters)
What are the impacts on the performance due to internals? Early exhaustion of the resin bed Poor water quality at the end of exhaustion cycle Overall efficiency loss as the less utilized resin bed forced to regenerate early Excess utilization of regeneration chemicals Excess regeneration waste generation
Way to analyze your units Analyze current feed water chemistry Analysis current units for working efficiencies – Which will reveal the performance of your internals! Analyze resin & media! Analyze both the impact of changing water chemistry & internals design w.r.t current operational parameters!
What we can offer……………? Free analysis of “Filtration & Ion-Exchange” units Free inspection of your units Free preparation of retrofit budget & showing tangible benefits Brief info on our technology Free field trial by pilot plant testing (Conditions Apply)
What we can deliver……………? Retrofit of the existing units…………… Improvement in the “pre-treatment” (filtration) units – to achieve desired results Improvement in the “ion-exchange units” – to achieve best efficiency New plant requirements……………… Bespoke filtration & ion-exchange system design
What new technology we have? Changing “internals design” to achieve accurate hydraulics………by Applying “Flow-Modulation” techniques in the internals (Patent Pending) Improving Screens / Nozzles to achieve better results
What are the “Tangible Benefits” of our Technology? Highest efficiency of the “Ion-Exchange Units” Direct savings in the regeneration chemicals Reduced regeneration effluent & therefore lesser effluent neutralization cost Very high efficiency of the filters in the pre-treatment Less shut-down & maintenance Critical components can last for the life of the units!!
Who we are…….? M/S THERMAGUARD TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD; (Professionals driven by innovations) Technical Skill Set: Water treatment systems – design, engineering, installation, commissioning & troubleshooting Developers’ credentials – 50+ Years combined experience in water treatment
Whom to contact: M/S Thermaguard Technologies Pvt. Ltd; Delhi : Piyush Tolye 9810426649 Gujarat : Anit Ganpule 9426117277 Pune : Sudhir Wadkar 9822 453 763 Chennai : Ravi Rangaswami 9962027654 M/S Thermaguard Technologies Pvt. Ltd; Regd. Off: S-3 PLOT NO 8 K 9, SRI RANGAKRIPA APARTMENTS, SECOND STREET UDAYA NAGAR, PORUR, CHENNAI, TAMILNADU – 600116 Tel: 044-42822340 e-mail: ttechpl@gmail.com