Driver’s Safety Tips
Seat Belts Save Lives Always wear your seat belt. Always make sure your passengers wear seatbelts. Children and small teens should always ride in the back seat.
Obey Speed Limits Going over the posted speed limit will give you less time to react and stop. Going too fast is a major cause of accidents.
Obey Traffic Lights Don’t run red lights. When the light turns green, look both ways before entering the intersection to avoid a collision with someone running a red light.
Use Turn Signals Indicate you are turning in plenty of time so that cars behind you can react. Make sure your signal turns off after you turn.
Don’t Drive Impaired Don’t drink and drive or ride with anyone who has. Choose a designated driver who doesn’t drink or call a parent, friend, or taxi to give you a ride. Don’t drive after taking drugs or ride with anyone who has been using drugs. Check the label on over-the-counter drugs. Many cause drowsiness.
Don’t Drive Distracted Turn down the music so you can hear sirens, train whistles, and other warning sounds. Don’t talk on the phone or text while driving. Don’t put on makeup or eat while driving. Don’t adjust your stereo, change or search for CDs, or reach for something on the floor while driving.
Take Care of Your Car Keep your windshield clean. Keep gas in your car. Check the tires, oil, transmission, engine fluids, and brakes regularly.