Stojanka Brankovic, C.E.MSc Annual World Bank Conference on THE REMOTE SENSING IMPLICATION IN THE PROPERTY MASS VALUATION GIS IN SERBIA Stojanka Brankovic, C.E.MSc Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 20-24.03.2017 Washington DC
CADASTRAL SYSTEM REFORM IN SERBIA Cadastral system reform – started under the Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project in Serbia 2004 – 2012 Real Estate Cadastre– a modern system of property and property rights registration system, assuring reliability and control of data in cadastral-legal procedures Continued cadastral system reform – implemented under the Real Estate Management Project in Serbia 2015 – 2020 Supported by the World Bank loan and donors projects of the European Union Member States
CADASTRAL AND GEOSPATIAL DATA Today’s society has the growing requirements for greater quantity and quality of spatial information Cadastral and geospatial data are important in the decision-making process Implementation in the filed of environment analysis, infrastructure development, health, education, protection, transportation, energy, agriculture, climate change and disaster management
MARKET AND PROPERTY VALUATION Three fundamental attributes of any property are: Geo-location in space Types of property rights Property value REAL ESTATE CADASTRE MASS VALUATION
REMOTE SENSING Detects and analyzes spatial and temporal elements of the environment Detects land use and land cover changes, providing timely an information about the environment and the effect of human activities Monitors and discovers changes by using multi-spectral temporal images
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (1) In agricultural land market analysis, based on the remote sensing data Remote sensing data integrated in the GIS with the cadastral maps
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (2) In the analysis of influential factors for the land price, based on the environment state analysis, using the remote sensing data
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (3) Agricultural land cover map production using satellite images of land cover Data integrated in the GIS with the cadastral data on the cadastral culture and class
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (4) Detection of pedology profiles over the area using the remote sensing data Integration with terrestrial measurements of pedology profiles in the GIS
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (5) The risk analysis for landslides based on the remote sensing and soil fertility map Detection of landslides and waterlogged soil
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (6) Detection of cadastral cultures and soil classes using the remote sensing data Data integrated in the GIS with field classification of cadastral cultures and soil classes
REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION (7) Remote sensing data in the urban planning Remote sensing data integrated in the GIS with the cadastral maps and the urban plans
REMOTE SENSING IN MASS VALUATION (1) Case Study – City of Belgrade
REMOTE SENSING IN MASS VALUATION (2) Remote sensing data from: acquisition epoch 2008, acquisition epoch 2013, satellite acquisition epoch 2016 Data integrated in the mass valuation GIS with the real estate cadastre data and Registry of real estate transactions 2016 2013 2008
REMOTE SENSING IN MASS VALUATION (3) Remote sensing data integrated in the mass valuation GIS with: Address registry Digital cadastral map Real estate cadastre data
REMOTE SENSING IN MASS VALUATION (4) The remote sensing allows collection of many characteristics of property data over wide areas and for a large number of properties Using this method in market valuation of the agricultural land we can acquire data on parcel shape, parcel distance from the airport and other infrastructural facilities Using this method in market valuation of the constructions we can acquire data on location, number of floors, extensions, distance from the airport and other infrastructural facilities
CONCLUSIONS Remote sensing is a method that is able to collect a large amount of different geo-special data Remote sensing data integrated with the real estate cadaster data and geographic data can improve methodology of property mass valuation The future research will focus on further development of different modalities for acquisition of the potential characteristics of properties to improve models of property mass valuation