Supplier Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)Training Supplier Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)Training *PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE FOR THIS TRAINING*
Why we are here This presentation has been put together to assist and answer questions that you may have understanding the ADAC Supplier PPAP Requirements. ADAC has tried to simplify and combine all requirements into this package.
Key Contacts @ ADAC Automotive Main Line - 616-957-3800 PPAP-Nancy Soltys SPCR (Supplier Process Change Request) -Charity Jimenez -Kurt Meldrum -Chris Hill -Keith Scheiern Quality Engineer/Program Manager as designated per project Buyer as designated per project commodity Quality and Reliability Manager Mark Tegrootenhuis
Resources Go to the ADAC Automotive Website, Click on the Supplier Portal in the upper right corner.
Resources After you click on the Supplier Portal, you will see all associated documents.
Supplier PPAP Information You will be sent the following document when a supplier PPAP is requested. Follow all requests and if you have questions please refer back to the key contact.
Supplier PPAP Information Page Page 1. This excel workbook file will come to each supplier completed by ADAC along with the master blueprint. It contains key information for completion of PSW/PPAP. The PPAP submission must be to the same Engineering Level as the Master Blueprint provided.
Supplier Feasibility Commitment Page 2. This form must be filled out and returned by the date on the info sheet. If there are actions that confirm the product is not feasible please work with ADAC program/engineer as noted on the info sheet for resolution.
Supplier PPAP Request and Requirements Page Page 3-4. This checklist contains the 18 elements of the PPAP. The supplier fills in the checklist with the appropriate information for their PPAP submission. This completed checklist must accompany the PPAP submission.
Request for Functional Approval Page 5. The request for functional approval must be completed and submitted with every PPAP.
Molder Regrind Certification Page 6. The Molder Re-Grind certification letter must accompany each molded component with each PPAP.
Component Information Page 7. The component information sheet (packaging) is information only for ADAC to use in designing our manufacturing flow through racks.
Information Only All of the remaining sheets that are included in the PPAP package you receive from ADAC are for your information; you are not obligated to send this information with your PPAP submission. Pages include FMEA ranking criteria, classification description guidelines, Retention/submission level requirements and revision history.
ADAC Approval PPAP Request Sent to Supplier Feasibility Commitment Returned to Nancy Supplier submits submission to Nancy. Nancy Checks for content-then submits to ADAC QE for Review ADAC QE dispositions PPAP and returns to Nancy Nancy Email PSW to supplier once approved. Product ready for production.
ADAC SPCR SPCR = Supplier Process Change Request This form is used anytime there is a change in the suppliers process. It MUST be submitted and ADAC approved prior to any change. ADAC will communicate any specific requests with the approved SPCR.
Q & A Functional Approval Submission Format Q:How do suppliers know the function of the component being sent to ADAC? A:Work with the program manager to know the function of the part; suppliers are only to fill out the top portion of the request. The ADAC engineer is responsible for the function of the product and will approve this document. Submission Format Q:How should the PPAP documents be submitted? A:Documents should be sent via email one PDF copy. NO ZIP files. Parts should be mailed separately to Nancy.
Q & A IMDS PPAP Requirements Checklist Q:Do I have to supply an acceptance printout with my submission? A:Yes-if there are extenuating circumstances please communicate with Nancy prior to due date submission. PPAP Requirements Checklist Q:Does the PPAP Requirements Checklist need to be completed and included with the submission. A:Yes-both the supplier and ADAC should use this as an index for the PPAP.