Academic Staff Promotions Briefing for Applicants Revised May 2017
Todays Session This briefing session is to provide guidance and information to support you in the Promotion Process. The briefing includes the policy and procedure changes so that you get to understand how these changes work in practice. You will see blue text throughout the presentation, this is to highlight the key changes in context. I will explain how we plan to deal with those changes at each point.
Key documents Academic Staff Promotions Policy (in final consultation) Academic Staff Promotions Procedure (in final consultation) Academic Staff Promotions Guidance for Applicants and Heads Academic Staff Promotions Application Cover Page Academic Staff Promotions Expression of Intent to Apply Academic Staff Promotions Timetable Academic Staff Promotions Committee Composition All will be available from the Human Resources website (Career Development)
Key dates Briefing for potential applicants 24 May EOI Closes 2 June Round opens 3 July Round closes 31 July Meetings (Hobart) See Schedule on Website Meetings (Launceston) 2 November Applicants advised of outcome Late November Early December University community advised of outcome December/January
Key Reflections (1) Eligibility Exclusion from applying the following round after being unsuccessful. This is a reinstatement of a previous policy position. You are encouraged to have open and honest conversations about your readiness for promotion to avoid potential disappointment. The new policy does include an exemption to exclusion by application to the Chair of the Promotions Committee. Any request for exemption should be sought with an EOI submitted by the due date if approved.
2. Time period of assessment 3. Being fractional – recognise the different environmental considerations – A majority of ASPC members have undertaken Unconscious Bias Training. 4. The career grade – Level C Four categories of academic activity – Your application should reflect your agreed workload allocation (or the average over the period if it has changed) – where there is variance, it must be supported by the Head and a narrative around the change should be included in their report. Research Learning and teaching Community engagement and professional service Internal service to the University.
Key reflections (2) 6. The majority rule – must be in Research and Learning and Teaching 7. No double counting – be careful to edit your application well 8. Professional vs personal contributions 9. The role of performance expectations See Guidance document – section 4 And specific sections under providing evidence See also
Key reflections (3) 11. Impact is what counts 12. Disciplinary norms 10. Capacity to sustain a level of performance 11. Impact is what counts 12. Disciplinary norms Advice on how to measure, assess and express the impact of various categories of activity can be found in Academic Staff Promotions Guidance for Applicants and Heads 2017
The role of the Head Heads play an important role in the promotion process and are involved at several stages. Be prepared to: Start talking to your Head as early as possible and working with them to establish a mentor to assist you through the process. Heads have been encouraged to be honest and consistent, if you are not ready for promotion, they are encouraged to talk to you about this so you can plan better for the next round and avoid disappointment. Discuss categories of activity and/or emphasis under which the application will be made. Heads are there to provide clear advice and guidance and in their letter/report.
Applications Expression of Intent to Apply for Promotion Document Checklist (see over page) Application Cover Page 200 word summary of the case for promotion Independent Assessor (Referee) Page (for application to levels D and E) Academic qualifications and career history Head’s written report Dean’s written report (for applications to levels D and E only) Case for promotion (maximum 6 pages for applications to levels B and C, and 8 pages for levels D and E) Supporting materials (maximum 6 pages for applications to levels B and C, and 8 pages for levels D and E) Mandated materials do not form part of the supporting materials and include: eVALUates, WARP report. Optional - RPE and TPE rubric.
Document Checklist The proposal is that applicants complete this form and submit as the top sheet of all applications. The purpose is to provide a final check to your document preparation and to ensure all documents are within the required sequence.
Application Cover Page Must be completed and attached at the front of the application. Available from the Human Resources website. Must specify: the employees workload allocation or average over the period if it has changed, there should be narrative to explain variations to agreed workloads. 4. Must indicate the level of achievement claimed against each (valuable, significant, very significant, or outstanding). 5. Must be signed by the Head of School. 6. If to Level B or C must also be signed by the Dean.
200 word summary of the case This statement summarises the case for promotion and the ways in which the applicant satisfies the promotion criteria. This is a critical section of your application You should be direct about your claims You should be explicit It is important to highlight the Quality of impact not Quantity of activity or metrics Help the ASPC to understand your contributions relative to disciplinary norms and expectations and relative to the opportunities you have had.
Independent Assessor (Referee) Form This page must specify the independent assessors nominated by the applicant. Independent Referees are not required for applicants for promotion to level B or C. Applicants for promotion to level D or level E must nominate two independent assessors (referees) that are not employed at UTAS. Applicants are required to discuss nominees with their Head, including around conflicts of interest. Heads of School will be called upon to nominate two independent assessors for each applicant to Level D or E. This will be called for once the application has been submitted by the Promotions Committee. For each nominated independent assessor a form must be provided. Applicants should not alter the form or remove the conflict of interest confirmation section.
Academic Qualifications and Career History In one page (maximum), Applicants can provide details of academic and professional qualifications professional appointments major administrative responsibilities offices held within the relevant discipline/profession beyond the University, membership of academies or other learned societies etc.
Head’s Written Report Heads should be provided with the full application in order to write their report. Their report should indicate, how, in the their view, the applicant satisfies the criteria for promotion and provide any contextual material (e.g. particular types of work or outputs characteristic of the discipline), to help the ASPC evaluate the application. Heads should disclose their report to the applicant before the application is lodged. The applicant may provide written comment on the Heads statement to the ASPC. Heads are encouraged to have a copy of section 13 of the guidance document, a copy of their full application, the Academic Staff Promotions Policy and the Academic Staff Promotions Procedure. It will also be useful for Heads to have copies of the applicant’s current and past performance and career development documentation.
Dean’s (or equivalent) Written Report For applicants to levels D or E, in addition to the Head’s report, the Dean should provide their own independent written report. The full application and the Head’s report should be provided to the Dean in order that they can include their own report. The Dean’s report should independently cover the same material as specified for the Head’s report, but may also include a commentary on the Head’s report and other information on the applicant’s contributions to the Faculty, University, discipline, profession etc. For applicants for promotion to levels D and E, ensure that before writing your report, that you have a copy of sections 13 and 14 of the advice document, a copy of the full application, a copy of the Head’s Report, the Academic Staff Promotions Policy and Academic Staff Promotions Procedure.
Case for Promotion The applicant is required to provide a statement on each of the categories of activity that is relevant to their application (it must link to the agreed workload allocation (or average over the period) unless the Head has agreed and narrated the variation): Research Learning and teaching Community engagement and professional service Internal service to the University. The document must not exceed 6 pages for applications to level B or level C, or 8 pages for applications to level D or level E. Applications exceeding these limits will not be considered by the ASPC. See the advice document for specific advice on how applicants are guided to make the case and present their evidence.
Supporting Materials Applicants may include supporting materials that illustrate or provide evidence for statements included in the case for promotion. The total length of supporting materials submitted should not exceed 6 pages for applications to levels B and C, and 8 pages for levels D and E. Mandated material are not included in the supporting materials page count - such as WARP reports, student evaluations. You may include (ie they are not mandated) RPE reports and if an applicant uses a TPE rubric and it is signed by the Head, this can also be included. These will not be counted in the page count of supporting materials. While applicants may choose to include material such as extracts from student feedback or peer assessment of teaching or statements of evidence. However, statements of support and referee reports that explicitly advocate the promotion must not be submitted.
Lodgement One copy of the application must be submitted as a single PDF document by the closing date by email to Should you have any queries in relation to procedural matters please contact the Secretary of ASPC, by emailing Lodgement See slide
Updating Applications Applicants are entitled to update their applications with information about new activities and achievements up until an annual date to be determined by the ASPC and publicised by Human Resources as part of the promotions timetable. This date is 30 August 2017. Outcomes of annual Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical Research Council grant application rounds will be taken into account by the committee up until the last ASPC meeting in each annual promotion round. Such updates must be in writing and be no longer than 2 pages. All updates must be sent to For applicants to level D and E, the update may be brought to the interview and applicants to Level D and E will be asked at the commencement of the interview if they would like to provide a verbal overview of the update.
Attending the interview – Level D and E Only When the applicant is called to interview, they should make every effort to attend in person, however they may attend by technology (Skype/videoconference) if they are unavoidably out of the state. The Head and Dean are required to attend the interview in person. If the Head is unable to attend the interview, they should provide appropriate briefings to the person (normally the Deputy Head) who will represent you at the interview. The ASPC will interview all applicants for promotion to Level D and Level E The ASPC will not interview applicants for promotion to Level B or Level C ]
Key documents Academic Staff Promotions Policy (in final consultation) Academic Staff Promotions Procedure (in final consultation) Academic Staff Promotions Guidance for Applicants and Heads Academic Staff Promotions Application Cover Page Academic Staff Promotions Expression of Intent to Apply Academic Staff Promotions Timetable Academic Staff Promotions Committee Composition All will be available from the Human Resources website (Career Development)
Key dates Briefing for potential applicants 24 May EOI Closes 2 June Round opens 3 July Round closes 31 July Meetings (Hobart) See Schedule on Website Meetings (Launceston) 2 November Applicants advised of outcome Late November Early December University community advised of outcome December/January