By Laurel Bacon 12/1/16 8th grade Career Prep Online privacy By Laurel Bacon 12/1/16 8th grade Career Prep
Presentation purpose I am giving this presentation to bring awareness to personal privacy on social media and the effects of what you post even when your account is private. In this presentation I will be talking about internet privacy.
The importance of Digital citizenship and internet safety Digital citizenship: definition from google Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use Also known as behaving appropriately and responsibly online (ie; what you post, comment, DM, email, etc…) These are important because you want to treat others with respect on social media so they will treat you with respect
Online privacy: definition Internet privacy: definition from google Internet privacy involves the right or mandate of personal privacy concerning the storing, repurposing, provision to third parties, and displaying of information pertaining to oneself via the Internet. Internet privacy is a subset of data privacy. Also known as keeping your posts to only people you have previously selected and accepted as your friends. Online privacy is important because you don’t want random people stalking you or seeing your personal life.
Online privacy examples This is a make believe story about online privacy “I can’t believe Gabe found out that I like him!” Amy cried. “I bet someone told him!” “Oh!, are you talking about how you like Gabe?” Marie asked. This only made Amy cry harder. “Wait, how do you know?” Amy asked her. “You posted it on your Facebook Saturday evening. “But my account has only my friends.” Amy replied. “Think again, Marie replied, you have more than just your friends on Facebook. Your account is public, so anyone can see what you post.” “Wow, I never thought about that, I should put my account to private!” Amy said cheerfully. “ Yeah!” Marie said. “And between you and me, I heard he likes you back.”
Online privacy examples (cont.) This video shows how even when your account is private, people you friend can still see what you post, so be responsible! This video reminds you to be aware that your future boss, your friends, your future husband/wife, your coaches, your teachers, even your PARENTS can look at what you post so you should be wise in what you post.
How to respond to online privacy Even if your account is private, people can still get to you and find out your personal information. If you think people are stalking you, you should tell an adult or someone older than you that you know and trust or block the user altogether. You can also avoid the whole thing by not revealing your address, school, state, or phone number when you post something.
Conclusion In conclusion, you should be responsible person online. Watch what you post, and treat others with respect. Be sure to keep your personal information to yourself, and notify an adult if you think people are stalking you.
Be Responsible! There are tons of different social media sites out there, be a responsible digital citizen!
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The End! Thank you for listening to my presentation!