Physiology Notes From the Anatomy and Physiology Web-site open “1.17 Physiology notes” in eBackpack. Select the destination > My files > A&P > Introduction > Upload
study of function of body structures Physiology defined as study of function of body structures Including including What structures do How they do it Maintain homeostasis by regulating: Negative feedback Positive Feedback Food Water defined as defined as Oxygen Heat Mechanism that Change from normal Pressure restores body to levels promotes normal levels further change
How about more information? Watch this link: What to think about: What analogy is used to explain homeostasis? 2. Which type of feedback is being described- positive or negative?
Understanding the analogy What is the stimulus? What is the receptor? What would be the set point? What represents the effectors? What is the response?
Real life examples of homeostasis Negative Feedback Positive Feedback Blood pressure regulation Childbirth
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Preparing for the Test Tips for success: Prepare more than just one day for the test. Make sure you understand each learning target and the questions associated with it. Study, study some more, and study again, until you can remember everything.
Quiz Time! Open LabelED, abdominal region picture. Take a location quiz by clicking on the "graduation cap" When you complete a quiz show me the score or take a screen shot. You can retake the quiz as many times as you want. I need to have 4 quiz grades (1 for each picture) by the start of class tomorrow. ?/9 ?/8 ?/21 ?/11