Country examples of ICT-integrated Curriculum for Teacher Professional Development National Workshop to Finalize Sample Syllabi for TTL1 & 2 26-27 July 2016 Jonghwi Park and Mel Tan ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST)
Four career stages
Australian Proressional Standards for Teachers with explicit reference to ICT APST Std2: Know the Content and How to teach it Std3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Std4: Create and maintain supportive & safe learning environments ICT-related Focus Areas Focus Area 2.6: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Focus Area 14: Select and use resources Focus Area 4.5: Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically Graduate Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT1 that engage students in their learning. Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and th.e strategies available to support t11e safe, responsible and ethical use ofICT in learning and teaching. Proficient Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make select1ed content relevant and meaningful. Select and/or cr1eate and use a range of resources, including ICT1 to engage students in their learning. Incorporate strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ,ethical use ofICT in learning and teaching. Highly Accomplished Model high-level teaching knowledge and skills and work with colleagues to use current ICT to improve tlleir teaching practice and make content relevant and meaningful. Assist c-0lleagues to create, select and use a wide range of resources, including ICT, to ,engage students in their learning. Model, and support colleagues to develop strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. Lead Lead and support colleaglles within the school to se]ect and use ICT with 1effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities and content knowledge for all students. Model exemplary skills and lead colleagues in selecting, creating and, evaluating resources, inc1uding ICT, for applfoation by teachers within or beyond the school Review or implement new policies and strategies to ensure the safe, responsible and ethical use oflCT in learning and teaching.
Autonomy + Accreditation No standard/national curriculum for teacher education – i.e. each university develops its own teacher education curriculum (autonomy) Consistency/quality of curriculum and clear alignment with the APST Standards, including ICT standards is achieved through accreditation of their pre-service programmes (five-year cycle)
Options University A has opted to develop dedicated semester-long ICT subjects University B has elected to cover the ICT elements of Program Accreditation Standard 1 as a cross-curriculum or embedded activity University C, has adopted a hybrid approach – It developed a core Digital Learning subject that asks students to critique and adopt appropriate pedagogical approaches using learning technologies to engage teenagers in authentic, active and collaborative learning and to investigate contemporary issues and current trends in ICT in education through an inquiry project.
Sample course
Various forms of evidences submitted for evaluation, site visits, feedback and interviews, etc.
Samples: Using ICT in Science - Engaging thru ICT -
APST and In-Service Expectation that individuals will take responsibility for building their own professional capabilities Expected to gather evidence, usually through a professional portfolio, to demonstrate that standards and competencies have been met and usually assessed at the school level Motivation for doing so includes, but is not limited to, professional pride, employability, pay increases and promotion.
SMART competencies 2 domains, 13 competencies Foundations Creative problem solving Social ability Flexibility Technology literacy Ethics Passion Practice Understanding future education Content expertise Building relationship with learners Instructional design & development Evaluation & reflection Building collaborative learning community Turned into 28 modules
28 modules are like small Lego™ blocks, consisting of basic content units of training programs Diverse training programs can be operated by combining modules per level or by theme considering training targets, directions and time
Sample Module (see wiki for file) Targeted competency: Understanding of Future Education (TC#7) Module 01: Concepts of Future Education and Roles of Teachers (30 trainees/ run) Session 1: Future Society and Change in Education (evaluation: written) Session 2: Future Education Preview (evaluation: outputs with peer evaluation) Session 3: The Future of our Classrooms (evaluation: outputs + attitude)
Other Key Features Assessment Online diagnostic tool services on competencies feedback contains targeted educational contents & directions for self-development Training evaluation: carried out at the end of every training programme + investigation of actual ICT use in schools Support & incentives: certificates, ICT contest, teacher community
Masterplan Development: Coherent Continuum mp1 may be seen as laying the foundations for the use of ICT, while mp2 strived for a more pervasive use of ICT in education. mp3 aims to use ICT to improve learning outcomes. The articulated vision for mp3 is: ‘harnessing ICT, transforming learners.’
Teacher training in MP 1 30-hour training on: Basic knowledge of PC and network Office applications (Word, Powerpoint, Excel) the use of Internet Mostly on how to digitize teacher-centric instructional materials
Teacher training in MP 3 Teacher Education for the 21st century (TE21) Aligned with values, skills and knowledge
Teacher training in MP 3 Exemplary courses: ICT for Meaningful Learning Supporting Self-directed Collaborative Learning with ICT
ICT for Meaningful Learning The 3rd Singapore ICT Masterplan focuses on self-directed and collaborative learning with ICT NIE adopted the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to build and research preservice and in-service teachers’ TPACK through design-based learning This case describes the approach and report the preservice teachers’ perception and performance Sample syllabus
Professional Development Advanced Diplomas In-service Diplomas Certificates Standalone courses 6 focus areas upgrade content knowledge of teachers update teachers with pedagogical innovations in subject teaching equip teachers with new competencies in response to changing societal needs and demands keep teachers abreast of new developments and initiatives in education educate teachers with research and management skills enhance their teaching effectiveness through life-long learning
PD Courses
New Approach to Assessment Portfolio
Mainstreaming ICT: Assessment Monitoring teachers’ progress and sustainable innovative practices: Professional development Continuum Model Enhanced performance management system Evidence-based rewards School-based professional learning Communities
Professional Development in Singapore Why the NIE/Singapore TE21 model is successful? Ministry (Policies) Desired Goals of Education Schools (Practices) Teacher Education Institutions (Preparation) Adapted from Goh, C.B. (2014). Teacher Education Model for the 21st Century (TE21), presented at the UNESCO Central Asia Symposium on ICT in Education 2014, available at
ICT in Education: MBM Project Support from school leaders / head teachers / pedagogical mentors Course 1: Basic ICT Literacy Course 2: Using ICT for T&L Course 3: ICT for Active & Deeper Learning Project seminar
Three modules Module 1: Basic ICT Literacy (26 hrs) Module 2: : Integrating ICT into Learning Materials (26 hrs) Module 3: Pedagogical Use of ICT to Promote Active Learning (22 hrs) Ideal: module 1 practice module 2 practice module 3 practice Coupled with coaching and sharing
Module 1: Basic ICT Literacy Description Hours 1 Intro to ICT in Education 1.0 2 Desktop Navigation Folder / File Management 0.5 3 Word Processing 8.0 4 Internet Essentials 6.5 5 Spreadsheet 9.0 6 Managing Peripherals Basic Troubleshooting & Maintenance Strategies Total 26.0
Module 2: Integrating ICT into Learning Materials Description Hours 1 Review of Module 1 and Sharing of experiences 1.5 2 Developing slide presentations 5.0 3 Multimedia Training Part 1 (Instructional Design, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Pedagogy, Orientation to selected ICT resources, Exploring new resources) 7.5 4 Multimedia Training Part 2 (Evaluating Usefulness of ICT Resources to one’s lesson; Enhancing and Sharing Lesson Plans) 4.0 5 Developing own learning materials using productivity tools 3.0 6 Security & Cyber-Ethics (via scenarios & role-play) 2.0 7 Group presentations of enhanced lesson plans & materials School planning Total 26.0
Module 3: ICT for Active Learning Description Hours 1 Review of Module 2 and Sharing of experiences 1.5 2 Introduction to ICT-supported Active Learning (vis-à-vis Bloom’s pyramid of learning) 6.0 3 Designing ICT-supported collaborative learning 2.5 4 Determining good points of model ICT-integrated lesson plans Critiquing sample lesson plans 3.0 5 Incorporating ICT-supported active learning into own lesson plans; Developing own materials 6 Designing appropriate assessment and facilitating student outputs with ICT 7 Group presentations of enhanced lesson plans & materials School planning Total 22.0
References NIE Australian presentation during Nepal workshop, April 2016 (by Geoff Romeo, ACU)
THANK YOU. Jonghwi Park ( Mel Tan ( ICT in Education, UNESCO BANGKOK (