History and Historicism The Other Greg Hale
Pick a color…any color Assembly: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will take this research and make a collage of thoughts, ideas, and goals that were particularly galvanizing for this person. Pick a color…any color
Letter to another other A Letter from an American Concentration Camp Fear is part of who we all are. We all experience fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of physical harm. Fear is not the enemy. The enemy is anyone who would use our fears to further their own agenda. Throughout history, despots and tyrants have used the fear of the “other” as a way to gain power over the people. Through the lens of history we can clearly see how dictators used fear of the “other” to mesmerize the people and lead them to actions of unspeakable atrocity. But, before any American get too high and mighty, we need only look to our own examples of persecution. Right after the attack on Pearl Harbor, over 100,000 Japanese Americans were placed into internment camps. These were American citizens. Citizens descended of immigrants, as all but the Native Americans are. But because of the fear that was being generated by those in power, the people of the nation committed crimes against their neighbors. During the Cold War, Joseph McCarthy spearheaded another fear driven political power move called the Red Scare. Through the use of hyperbolic rhetoric, anyone accused of being affiliated in any way with Socialism or Communism was black balled from the community. The affects are felt even today. After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the embers of fear were stoked again. Any American whose skin color, style of dress, or choice of facial hair that seemed to be “other” was in danger. It is not only politicians who profit from America being afraid. The media, whose ratings ad revenues spike anytime there is fear or tragedy to display, also gain from an agenda of fear. After fourteen years of war, are we any safer today? Is fear and war the answer to the problem of disenfranchised peoples? We need only look to recent events in France to see that a trillion dollars spent in destroying our enemies only leads to more enemies. When America, my native country, imprisoned me for no other reason than they feared me because of my ancestry, I had a choice to make. I could either fight for the ideals that make America great or, I could turn my back on the country that turned its back on me. I chose to fight for the rights of all Americans. Regardless of the color of their skin or their religion. I chose to believe the ideals of the founding fathers. That all men are created equal with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Did they mean to say that all men have these rights unless there is evil in the world which makes us afraid? I think not. It is these rights which are a bulwark against fear. It is the greater ideas of America that call immigrants to become American citizens. The grand vision of America is its greatest protection against terrorism. The segregation we see throughout Europe is an example of the failure to create new communities where people of all backgrounds become neighbors and friends. Sharing ideas and goals for their children. This failure to assimilate leads to pockets of “otherness”. These “others” are easy targets for social or economic ills. We saw it with the Jews in Germany. We saw it with the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. We saw it with Arab Americans after 9/11. Will we see it again after the next evil act of terrorism falls on our nation? To be sure, there will be another tragedy. It isn’t a question of if, but when. The question is how we will react. Will we lash out in fear or reach out to our neighbors with strength? We need to remember, the goal of terrorism is not to overtake your country, it is to make you afraid. I for one refuse to fear. 11.24.2015 received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his lifelong commitment to civil rights and social justice. Assembly: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will prepare a speech concerning the current international affair in the voice of the figure they profiled and present all work to the class. Letter to another other
Juden Key Idea: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will be able to utilize watercolor techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, splattering, etc.… Students will be able to create a composition which expresses the emotion of an historical event. Juden
Politisch Key Idea: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will be able to utilize watercolor techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, splattering, etc.… Students will be able to create a composition which expresses the emotion of an historical event. Politisch
Emigrant Key Idea: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will be able to utilize watercolor techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, splattering, etc.… Students will be able to create a composition which expresses the emotion of an historical event. Emigrant
Bibelforscher Key Idea: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will be able to utilize watercolor techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, splattering, etc.… Students will be able to create a composition which expresses the emotion of an historical event. Bibelforscher
Berufsverbrecher Key Idea: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will be able to utilize watercolor techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, splattering, etc.… Students will be able to create a composition which expresses the emotion of an historical event. Berufsverbrecher
Homosexuell Key Idea: Past and Present (Ch. 4 pg. 394) Students will be able to utilize watercolor techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, splattering, etc.… Students will be able to create a composition which expresses the emotion of an historical event. Homosexuell