Monday, October 17th Warm up: Independent reading/ student conferences Comprehension strategies: Determining Importance - Group activity Read aloud “How to Steal a Dog” with stop and jot in reading folders
Tuesday, October 18th Warm up: Independent reading/ student conferences Check and Review Reading skills practice 2 Determining importance table group discussion Read aloud “How to Steal a Dog” - stop and jot; character development notes; write a question about our reading today
Wednesday, October 19th Warm up: Independent reading; create your thought shot as you read and also ask at least one question about your reading that you can’t answer yet. 6 Syllable Types foldables Read aloud – stop and jot in reading folders
Thursday, October 20th Warm up: Independent reading; create your thought shot as you read and also ask at least one question about your reading that you can’t answer yet. Finish 6 Syllable Types foldables – practice with syllaboards Read aloud – stop and jot in reading folders
3. "Pshaw!" said Charlie, laughing; "and it's only a stick of wood." 1. "Don't you hate splitting wood?" asked Charlie, as he sat down on a log to hinder Rob for a while. 2. "No, I rather like it. When I get hold of a tough old fellow, I say, 'See here, now, you think you're the stronger, and are going to beat me; so I'll split you up into kindling wood." 3. "Pshaw!" said Charlie, laughing; "and it's only a stick of wood." 4. "Yes; but you see I pretend it's a lesson, or a tough job of any kind, and it's nice to conquer it." 5. "I don't want to conquer such things; I don't care what becomes of them. I wish I were a man, and a rich one." 6. "Well, Charlie, if you live long enough you'll be a man, without wishing for it; and as for the rich part, I mean to be that myself."
Friday, October 21st Warm up: Independent reading/ student conferences Syllaboard practice Read aloud “How to Steal a Dog” - stop and jot; character development notes; write a question about our reading today