Alberta Development Officers Association September 29, 2016
Accreditation & Certification QMP Review QMP for Municipalities and Corporations have been reviewed and are going through the final approval process. Orders and Variances Registry Municipality Pilot October/November Full launch in December 2016/January 2017 Updated Certification Structures Building Certification Levels Take effect October 3, 2016 Fire Certification Levels Industry consultation underway Accreditation is the authorization assigned to an organization allowing the organization to take responsibility for the administration of parts of the Safety Codes Act. Certification is attesting the competencies of individuals wherein they may apply to become safety codes officers in one or more disciplines; from which they and their accredited employer may apply to obtain powers to apply the Safety Codes Act, codes, and standards. Municipal, Corporation, and Agency reviews have been completed by the QMP Review Working Group (industry stakeholders) and will be presented to the Technical Coordinating Committee in the fall of 2016 (Oct 4). Compliance Orders and Variances are registered on a provincial information system administered by the Council. The Council has developed an improved system whereby safety codes officers can create and issue their Orders and Variances directly from within the registry system.
Training Energy Code training continues. 70% of Building SCOs have now completed training. Student Awards application submission deadline is Oct 15, 2016 Plumbing Group B SCO training now available Plumbing Group A Code Update Training (CUT) in Nov 2016 Gas Group A Code course and CUT in development Energy codes training has been rolled out. City of Calgary will be piloting the courses in mid-April. General roll out in May. Student awards selection committee meeting in April. we have 20 applications for up to 6 awards). Plumbing Group B SCOs (private sewage standard of practice) Code update training is available.
ACT Project Accreditation, Certification, and Training Management Platform Integration of current programs and systems for communication and information SCO Professional Development tracking system Project timeframe 2 years The Council has an opportunity to review and enhance their core business processes and related technologies. The Council would like to implement a single sign-on system and enhance compliance monitoring processes to support and manage Council’s core business functions of Accreditation, Certification, and Education & Training. The ACT project aims to select and implement a system that will improve customer service and increase efficiency in the delivery of the Council’s core business functions, as well as allow for better oversight. The safety codes officer consultation on Professional Development also let us know that the safety codes officers need an easy system for tracking points and inputting information. As part of this project, we will be gathering input from stakeholders with the goal to making sure what is built works for the safety codes officers. The project team is in place. Our plan is that by the end of 2016 we will have the framework established and vender identified.
Sub-Council Updates Building: Electrical: NECB Implementation Stacked Townhomes Working Group HVAC Industry seat added NAFS Standata in development Electrical: AEUC published. Inforce date: Sept 1, 2017 Adopted Electrical Installations for Oil and Gas Facilities Code in January of 2016 Master Electrician certification and Code of Ethics Among many other things. NAFS = North American Fenestration Standard rules for how windows, doors and skylights are tested and rated in Canada A recommendation is being worked on that can be forwarded to AMA for an Information Bulletin on engineered pressures for window performance.
Sub-Council Updates (cont’d) Plumbing: Reviewing Standata for Combination Heating Systems Water re-use Private Sewage Systems Standards of Practice published PSSP Handbook in RFP to be updated Gas: Replacement of residential furnaces Reviewing Standata on Location of Sidewall Vent Terminations Safe Temporary Propane Heat Program- launched in 2016 and gaining momentum Fire: Updated SCO training courses Reviewing Standata on Life Safety Fire Protection Systems and Fire Safety Plans and Demolition Sites
ASCA ASCA began operations effective May 1, 2016 3637 permits issued 98% to 100% permits closed were compliant Alberta Safety Codes Authority Administering safety codes in the unaccredited areas of the province, in the building, electrical, plumbing, and gas discplines
Fall Regional Meetings Coming up in October Grande Prairie, Red Deer, Medicine Hat. Discussions on: Code, standards or legislative questions, Code Interpretations Any items SCO’s would like to discuss Look for more information on MA and Council websites
Priorities for 2017-2020 Safety Governance Service Delivery Education Understand and assess system performance ASCA Updated QMPs Governance Review of structures and processes Code development and adoption Service Delivery Understand client and stakeholder needs satisfaction surveys Improved and efficient delivery Education New certification programs SCO professional development Sustainability Council member recruitment, appointment and onboarding processes More engagement with nominating associations