TRCC Meeting Today is 21st July 2016 Start time: 7:00pm Please Sign In!
Agenda Items Order Call to Order Presidents Comments Vice President’s Report Treasurers Report Secretary’s Report Membership Report Safety Report New Members Old Business New Business Committees Announcements Grab Bag Show and Tell Health and Welfare Closing Comments
President’s Comments Greg Harrell Welcome! Please Sign In! Grab Bag: This month’s prizes are? TICKETS $1 each or (6) tickets for $5
Vice President’s Comments Dave Bramlett Pay attention and do not allow over-flow fuel to spill on the ground! The EPA could have a field day at our field!
Secretary’s Report Ross Mickelson Minutes posted on TRCC website. Are there any errors or omissions in the minutes that were posted online to the TRCC website?
Membership Report Bill Hempel Pilot level upgrades: Dave Bramlett Level II and Multi-Rotor Level II. TRCC badges for members: Dave Bramlett
Membership Report Bill Hempel •TRCC Shirt Prices: $12 for SM-XL AND $14 FOR XXL and larger •Steins: $21.00 •Coffee Mug: $8.00 •Hoodies: $24.00 See TRCC website for additional information on colors and sizes. All orders can be taken by sending an email to any board member or by ordering at the TRCC monthly club meeting.
TRCC SAFETY Rob Hoard Extreme Heat Flying: Engines make less power, wings make less lift. You Have less endurance Heat stroke , and over exposure are real possibilities in the summer months. Bring water and drink plenty of it! Pay attention to how you are feeling.
New TRCC Prospective Members? Please introduce yourself! Who are you? Where are you from? Modeling experience? What area of RC interests you? What is your RC skill level? Club discussion Vote: Yes/No (only members can vote)
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Old Business July 4th Fun Fly Report (Rob) National Model Aviation Day (NMAD) will support Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
New Business Greg Harrell National Model Aviation Day Saturday 20 Aug (NMAD) will support: Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Runway Repair Courses of Action Vote Bylaw's Vote
Committees The cost of Resurfacing of TRCC Runway Dave Bramlett Greg Harrell Mike Bourne Tonight is the night for the vote!
Runway Options Voting Raise Hands
TRCC Runway Repair Options
Courses of Action (COA) COA #1 Repair: Crack and Sealcoat (All American) What: This project will power wash, fill all cracks with rubberized crack sealer and apply 2 coats of premium pavement sealer Cost: $9,262 method to pay is at no extra cost to current members. When: ASAP Field Closure: This option will close the field for 3 days Warranty: Comes with a 2 year warranty for defects and workmanship
Courses of Action (COA) COA #2: Asphalt Paving (All American) What: Hydro-blast existing runway, fill cracks, tack coat and apply a new 1.5 inch hot mix asphalt compacted and tapered on all sides. Cost: $39,780 This will require an approximate $300 dollars per member assessment Additional Costs: $9,000 - 6 months after application for additional sealant and again every 2-years after. When: After all monies are collected Field Closure: appx 1 week Warranty: This option comes with a 2 year warranty.
Courses of Action (COA) COA #3: Grade compact and surface of 1.5 inch hot mix asphalt (Pima Paving) What: This will grade, compact and pave 1.5 inches of asphalt and restripe runway Cost: $41,022. This will require an assessment of roughly $300 per member. Additional Costs: $9,000 - 6 months after application for additional sealant and again every 2-years after. When: When monies and final plan is collected Field Closure: 1 week Warranty: One year
Summary These runway options will be posted on the website for all members. We will vote on the runway improvements options available during the July TRCC Meeting. If option (2) or option (3) is chosen, TRCC will be seeking membership donations and will offer LIFE TIME membership options for a limited number of members. Based in participation and donations levels the assessment total will be determined for members. All members are encouraged to participate in the July vote and give us your choice for the options available. Thank you.
By-Laws Review Voting
Announcements SAD Patch Award Jacob? Rob? (Society of Aircraft Demolishers) Are there any stories of members here who has had an accident with the ground? Jacob? Rob?
Announcements Plane of Quarter The Plane of the quarter raffle is available to any TRCC member wishing to build, fly and give a REPORT on the build and flying qualities of the model of choice. The winning member will have to report back to the following 3rd monthly meeting and tells us about the airplane and all details. Failure to meet this obligation means the member would be responsible for purchasing the model from TRCC. All equipment for model is at members expense. Tickets are free: only 1-ticket per member.
Announcements Plane of Quarter
Announcements Plane of Quarter
Announcements Plane of Quarter
Announcements Plane of Quarter
GRAB BAG Check your numbers, here we go! Did everyone purchase a Grab bag ticket? Check your numbers, here we go!
Show and Tell Tell us about your model! Type? Engine? Radio? Weight? How long to build? What did you like/dislike about the kit? 1st place: $10, 2nd place $8, 3rd place: $5
Health and Welfare Does anyone have information about club members or friends?
Closing Comments Mr. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Safety
Adjournment Next Meeting: 18 August 2016.