Important Dates Reminders November 4th: Fall Festival November 11th: Veterans Day Service November 23rd-25th: No school Thanksgiving Break Please, initial your child’s agenda every night With the colder weather approaching please make sure your child is dressed appropriately Friday folders are to be brought back every Friday with homework inside. Have a fun and safe Thanksgiving holiday Mrs. Bennington 2nd Grade Please contact me using fast direct or calling the school office 2nd grade news This month in 2nd grade we will be focusing on the things that we are thankful for. It is so important to take the time and think about all the wonderful blessings that God has given each of us. We will also be moving on to subtracting two digit numbers in math, learning more about plants in science, and finishing up the book “Freckle Juice”. The first Friday in November is also the Fall Festival at the school. We chose the theme “Disney Magic” for our basket and are still looking for donations. Thanks to all who have helped so far.