HOW DID THE SOLAR SYSTEM FORM? Star formation occurs in our Galaxy. The Milky Way, is an Interstellar Cloud, known as Giant Molecular Clouds. Solar Nebula (90% Hydrogen, 9% Helium) within Milky Way
Solar Nebula, collapses in on center under influence of gravity. Conservation of angular momentum, causes faster spinning and flattening into disk.
Eventually greatest mass concentrated in center (Sun) with a disk of rotating cold matter around it.
Form Planetisimals several 100 kilometers in diameter. Small dust particles and material ejected from former stars collide and coalesce as they rotate. Form Planetisimals several 100 kilometers in diameter.
Gravitational pull of larger and larger Planetisimals grows, increasing their mass, and their gravity. Creating Protoplanets consisting of random collections of dust, rock and gas from various origins. Collected cold and held together by gravity, with no apparent order -“Cold Accretion Hypothesis.”
SUN Generation of charged particles called Solar Wind. Gaseous Giants Density and concentration of mass in Sun creates sufficient temperature and pressure to generate nuclear fusion and Sun starts to “burn” forging Hydrogen to Helium, and other conversions. “Stellar Workshops”. Generation of charged particles called Solar Wind. SUN Gaseous Giants Small Rocky Distant Close
THE PLANETS Gaseous Giants: Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus
THE PLANETS Small Gaseous Rocky: Giants: Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Earth Mars Gaseous Giants: Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus
THE PLANETS Small Rocky: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Recently Relegated: Pluto Gaseous Giants: Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus
HOW DID THE EARTH’S INTERIOR BECOME ORGANIZED? 1. Cold Accretion. Random organization of various chemical elements. “Cosmic Oh Henry bar”
HOW DID THE EARTH’S INTERIOR BECOME ORGANIZED? 2. Internal source of energy: Energy stored in composites from the time of the “Big Bang”, internal friction and radioactive decay. The larger the protoplanet the more difficult it becomes for energy to escape.
HOW DID THE EARTH’S INTERIOR BECOME ORGANIZED? 3. External source of energy: Early in the Earth’s history there is still plenty of material in the path of the protoplanet’s orbit, which is constantly being attracted by the Earth’s gravity to the every enlarging planet. Collisions of these meteorites into the Earth’s surface are a constant source of energy and melting. Chicxulub 65m y Barringer Meteor Crater, AZ 50,000 y Shoemaker – Levy 9 20 y
HOW DID THE EARTH’S INTERIOR BECOME ORGANIZED? 4. Internal separation by density: A slow process that still continues to this day, moves the least dense chemical constituents to the outside of the Earth (“lighter material floats”), and densest chemicals to the interior (“heavier materials sink”). Least dense materials Gradual increase in densities of materials. Density gradient. Most dense materials