Key club 2014-2015
Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Halloween Cards Meeting Projects Decorating Halloween cards for the children at the Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando Directly after the meeting
The officers President: Rylee Wagner Vice President: Savanna Burnup Secretary: Jessica Mack Treasurer: Brianna Burnup Editor: Isabel Valencia and Elisha Santiago Class Directors Senior: Shannia Fullerton Junior: Kayla Bartel Sophomore: Daniel Hartless Freshmen: Aneesa Khwaja Division 7 Lt. Governor: William Woulard (Deland High School)
volunteer training Sessions Must attend only once during high school to start earning community service hours. NO VOLUNTEER HOURS COUNT UNTIL YOU ATTEND A SESSION! Held in lecture hall across from main office during the first half of lunch (11:02-11:37) Max 50 students: Sign up in guidance on clipboard next to the volunteer bulletin board Tues. October 21 Tues. November 20 Tues. December 9…
Dues $25 The Breakdown: $4.50 for the Florida District $7.00 for Key Club International $13.50 for the club Shirts Fundraisers/Events Snacks Turn in money by October 24 in order to receive an official Key Club shirt
Committees SNAP – Grace Gillen Eliminate – Marissa Jeancola Korn Boil – Kayla Bartel Veterans Breakfast – Brianna Burnup Any underclassmen who would like to assist Brianna in planning so that they can be head of the event next year Teacher Toy Drive – Courtney Francis Pumpkin Smash Fundraiser – Isaiah Graham
New Governor’s project New Lieutenant Governor is Lauren McAllister SNAP Special Needs Awareness Program Field Day/Prom for ESE students Special Olympics After meeting projects
The Eliminate project Delivering the cure for maternal and neonatal tetanus. Kills one baby every nine minutes Nearly 60,000 newborn children die every year To eliminate MNT from the Earth, 129 million mothers and their future babies need to be immunized The Eliminate project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families.
Spooktacular October 24 and 25 Dewey Boster Sports Complex 6pm – 10pm Dewey Boster Sports Complex 1200 Saxon Blvd., Deltona, FL October 24: Teen Night! Volunteers to work the haunted trail as scarers. Come dressed in your scariest costume, and if you don’t have one they provide you with one and give you a monster makeover! October 25: Family Night Volunteers needed both for the huanted trail and to help run the games for the little kids Write day and place of volunteering on the top of the form TURN IN YOUR WAIVERS TODAY! I’ll be taking them to city hall tomorrow before 4th period
Trick or treat for unicef Proceeds will go to the Eliminate Project Use containers to collect donations from family and friends during October Trick or Treating on Halloween Wear a costume or a Key Club shirt We will meet in a housing community and go door-to-door in small groups asking for donations Time and Location will be announced next meeting We can meet at the school and carpool as well
November Pumpkin Smash Fundraiser Korn Boil - Kayla (Dates TBA) Veterans Breakfast - Brianna November 8 DCM Eliminate Car Wash November 15 Teacher Toy Drive (December) Committee Chair? Teacher luncheon (potluck) after school on an early release Wednesday and their “ticket” is a toy for donation
Independent projects At every meeting we will have a list of organizations at which you can volunteer with independently, even if the club as a whole is not sponsoring the event. We do this so that you can ensure to reach your desired number of volunteer hours at a schedule that is convenient for you! New Horizons
New Horizons New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit organization that partners trained dogs with the disabled, mostly in the area of wheelchair and mobility assistance. PUPPY WATCHERS Volunteers 1590 Laurel Park Ct, Orange City, FL 32763 386-456-0408
Text: @1738 To: 786-207-1048 Key club number This will send you reminders on upcoming dates. You can not reply to it, so if you have any questions text us. You can also follow our twitter page! @uhskeyclub14