Higher Education Payroll Processing & Reporting Jan 2016 Q & A Session December 9, 2015
Session Overview Project Update ACA Vendor Interface Open Books Open Forum
User Acceptance Testing Timeline 10/26-12/4/2015 PFT and 500 Misc Files Uploaded Ayana.Wilkins@omes.ok.gov
Project Update Next Steps Ayana.Wilkins@omes.ok.gov User Acceptance Testing Signoff Survey Notification12/4 Due 12/9 @ Noon OMES Cutover 12/1-12/10/2015 Ayana.Wilkins@omes.ok.gov
Important Dates Reminder December 4 Final direct deposit load files were due December 10 GO LIVE December 23 Employee mass termination Ayana.Wilkins@omes.ok.gov
ACA Important Dates Reminder December 7 File with employees requiring a 1095-C was due from institutions (Axxx00.HIED.ACALIST.E000001.RECD) December 11-ACAMULTI TEST File with multiple agency/institution employees due to institutions(Axxx_ACAmult_xxxxxxx.txt ) December 18 File due from institutions on multiple agency/institution employees that OMES will print combined 1095-C form File due from institutions on other employees if institution wants OMES to print 1095-C forms (same file) (Axxx00.HIED.ACAMULT.E000001.RECD)
ACA Important Dates Reminder January 11 – 18, 2016 OMES to print 1095-C forms for state agencies, multiple agency/institution employees, and other institution employees as requested February 19, 2016 IRS file for 1095-C reporting due from institutions Employee counts for authoritative 1094-C due from institutions
ACA - Reporting
ACA - Reporting
ACA - Reporting
ACA - Reporting
ACA Reporting Minimum Essential Coverage: Minimum Value: Includes (among others) coverage under an employer- sponsored group health plan. Minimum Value: An employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value if it covers at least 60% of the total allowed cost of benefits that are expected to be incurred under the plan. Individuals Offered Coverage: Employee Spouse Dependents
ACA – Reporting: Box 14
ACA Reporting: Box 15 Only if codes 1B, 1C, 1D, or 1E entered in Box 14 Enter the amount of the employee share of the lowest-cost monthly premium for self-only minimum essential coverage providing minimum value that is offered to the employee.
ACA Reporting: Box 16 2A: The employee was not employed during the month 2B: The employee was not a full-time employee 2C: The employee enrolled in the minimum essential coverage offered 2D: The employee was in a Limited Non- Assessment Period or initial measurement period 2I: Non-calendar year transition relief applied to the employee; the employer met one of the section 4980H affordability safe harbors with respect to this employee
ACA - Reporting
ACA Reporting: Part III This part must be completed by an employer offering self-insured health coverage for any individual who was an employee for one or more calendar months of the year, whether full-time or non-full-time, and who enrolled in the coverage. All family members that are covered individuals through the employee’s enrollment must be included on the same form as the employee.
ACA Reporting: Part III Coverage and Reporting of Non-Employees Retirees, Cobra individuals, etc. If not in the State’s HCM system, cannot produce 1095-C. Institution will be required to produce 1095-B Institution will be required to submit IRS file to OMES for filing
Vendor Interface Submit employee banking information in the vendor file interface for travel, tuition, settlements, etc. reimbursements. NOTE: This is separate from the file that is submitted to OST for payroll warrant banking information
Vendor Interface New Manual: Higher Education Vendor File Data Transmission to State Vendor File Agency Instruction Manual It is intended to assist with the description and implementation of the changes
Vendor Interface It is recommended that agencies adopt secure data protection procedures to insure accuracy and mitigate the opportunity for fraudulent activity. Agencies should register with IRS E-File for Tax Pros to support daily Bulk TIN Match requirements
Vendor Interface IReview HiEd Agency vendor file for current employee payee activity. Recommended to only submit employees paid non-payroll compensation payments (i.e. travel reimbursements) within the last 12- 18 months.
Vendor Interface If the agency has converted to the ‘00000’ vendor file, banking updates will not be allowed if the employee is a state employee also. In this case, banking information will come from HCM. Changes to existing banking is not permitted unless termination occurs. New bank submissions will create a new location for existing addresses.
Vendor Interface Agencies must prepare their vendor files to determine if their employees, and other vendors if applicable, are already on file. Vendor information must be compatible with the state vendor file, have the correct classification, have no existing duplication, include only active employees, and contain all necessary information for each vendor. Changes to existing vendor classifications may be submitted to OMES Vendor Registration using proper OMES form vendor.form@omes.ok.gov
Vendor Interface LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME Uppercase; Employee Name Formatting LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME Uppercase; No space between LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME ‘-’ and ‘,’ are the only valid special characters NOTE: FOR HECLM ONLY: This requirement has been delayed!!! Please adhere to this formatting when adding new employees. However, we will not enforce this for updating existing employees.
Vendor Interface Address Formatting (No Change) Upper case USPS Address Standards Verify correct address formatting and zip+4 https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction_input ‘-’ is the only valid special character Omit commas or periods
Vendor Interface Address Information (No Change) Recommendation: Use agency’s address in the vendor file for employees (privacy) Should provide a good address for employees upon termination or the check will be addressed to the institution Supplier payments to a state employee require a new location with vendor address Submit OMES Vendor Payee Form to OMES to update vendor file to ‘Open for Ordering’
Vendor Interface File Layout Field # Start Length Type Field Comments 1 Char Transaction Type Send: A = Add New Vendor U = Update Vendor T = Terminate Employee Banking Information 2 5 Business Unit Agency number + ‘00’ 3 7 SetID Values: ‘HECLM’ - higher ed agencies 4 12 10 Vendor ID Send Blank for Add Transaction Send CORE Vendor ID for Update
Vendor Interface New Transaction Type ‘T’ (Termination) Notify OMES that the employee has terminated A new effective dated row will be created for that employee with no banking information Inserts a new banking row with a blank account type, bank routing number and account code. Must provide the TIN, vendor id, vendor location and banking information for the ‘T’ transaction type If the employee terminates from the institution but is still being paid i.e. as a contractor, then the vendor file should be updated to designate the vendor as a ‘supplier’ Vendor Type = ‘TIN’ (column 296). This must be done by submitting an OMES Vendor Form to the OMES Vendor Maintenance Team.
Vendor Interface Transparency Implications In our ALLTRANS file, the city/state/zip fields are defaulted to the agency’s address when a vendor is flagged as an ‘Employee.’ Impact on Future Payments to Employees Once the termination is submitted to OMES, any future checks will be paper and the address printed on the warrant will be whatever is associated with the vendor at that time. Institutions need to assess the impact of ‘settlements’ that must be paid to an employee. Once an employee has been terminated, those will be paper warrants unless the information in the vendor file is updated. (May depend on whether the payment is made through AP or Payroll)
Vendor Interface Higher Ed institutions will begin using the secure file transfer process to submit vendor file updates. For agencies using the sftp, files will be copied to a unix location on the IBM mainframe. Agencies that have existing userids to load vendor file and/or miscellaneous claim information will be able to use those to access the appropriate file folders.
Vendor Interface Each institution must verify the following setup If you don't already have one, you will need an IBM userid. You may request one by filling out Form 90 from our website. The link to OMES forms is http://www.ok.gov/OSF/Forms/Division_of_Central_Accounting_and_Reporting_Forms/. When you login, you will be directed to the folder with your files and you may download the information. All institution should already have access to the secure server. If you have a problem connecting, we will need to know the IP address(es) that you are trying to connect from. Again, everything should be OK, but contact the OMES Service Desk if you have any problems connecting. Please make sure that port 22 is open on your firewall (IP
Vendor Interface INTERFACE TESTING All HiEd BU’s can ‘get’ and ‘put’ test files into folder /OSFSSH/Coretest/HiEd/ALL/ NOTE: All Higher Ed institutions will have access to this folder during testing. Due to the potential sensitive information in the files, please remove your agency’s files when you are finished.
Vendor Interface PRODUCTION Each agency will have a read and write folder Agencies will write its files to the following folders where XXX = 3 digit agency number: /OSFSSH/HiEd/AXXX/FS/w/BUXXX00.VNDR.RECEIVD Return files will go to the read folder…. /OSFSSH/HiEd/AXXX/FS/r/BUXXX00.VNDR.DATA When you login, you will be directed to the /OSFSSH/HiEd/AXXX/FS/ folder and will need to change directories to either the read or write folder as needed
Vendor Interface Vendor File Interface Navigation: Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Nightly Vendor Interface The default for the vendor upload process is to pull the file from the mainframe. You must select the ‘Use OSFSSH FTP (Secure FTP)’ checkbox to pull the file from the secure FTP site.
Vendor Interface
Vendor Interface The new program will be moved to production on 12/30/2015. All agencies should be using secure ftp at that time. We will be removing access to the non-secure ftp process soon. Date is tbd.
Open Books This file will be used to calculate FTE for reporting Hours (column 119) Pay Frequency (Column 185) FTE calculation is different for bi-weekly vs. monthly payrolls so it is important to submit the correction designation of “M” (monthly) or “B” (bi-weekly) Object Code (Column 151)
Open Books The hours recorded against the following earnings codes/object code will be excluded from FTE reporting
Open Books Testing Navigation OK Custom Reports/Processes > Agency Processes > Legacy Alpha List (0235)
Open Books Navigation OK Custom Reports/Processes > Agency Processes > Legacy Alpha List (0235)
Open Books File Type End Date Attached File Select your agency number from the drop- down End Date Enter the month-end date corresponding to the data that you are submitting Attached File Select ‘Attach’ and then browse and select the file to be loaded Select ‘Run’ to process the request
Open Books If a 2nd job is submitted with the same File Type (agency number) and End Date, the job will delete all existing records for that agency/month-end date and reload the file. This option can be used if corrections need to be made to a previously issued file. Be sure to use the month-end date. If data is loaded with End Date = 12/31/15 and then again with End Date = 12/30/15, the data will be duplicated in the system.
Security: Roles HE Payroll View Only Alpha List Load (new) View historical data; paycheck, balances, W2 Access until April 15, 2019 Run calendar year TRS report Access until April 15, 2016 Alpha List Load Alpha List Load (new)
Security: Role Access Initial Role Access Future Role Access Email from main payroll person at each institution Certify and list current active employees to have view only access (including self) Future Role Access OSF FORM 304HE
Security: Email for Access
Open Forum
Questions? Ayana.Wilkins@omes.ok.gov
Next Session December 15 from 2- 5 pm ACA
Closing Roll Call http://www.ok.gov/cio/Customer_Portal/ Business_Application_Services_Essentials/ Financials/Financials_News.html