Spring Elections
We’ll be covering… Key dates The elections process Code of conduct Elections tips Support for candidates
Key dates Candidates announced and campaigning begins Monday 27 February, noon Voting open Monday 6 March, 10am Voting closed Thursday 9 March, 5pm Results announced Thursday 9 March, 8pm The Shed, West Wing, Guys
The elections process
Uploading a manifesto Log in Scroll to ‘Review Nominations’ No deadline, but best to do it before candidates are announced (Monday 27 Feb, noon)
Uploading a manifesto 3. Scroll down to ‘Upload’ under ‘Manifesto’
Uploading a manifesto Upload a photo Add a slogan Do this before Tuesday 21st at noon – candidate booklet
Uploading a manifesto You can write a manifesto directly into the textbox
Uploading a manifesto You can embed a Youtube video
Uploading a manifesto You can embed an image (needs to be JPEG and less than 1MB in size) You can add hyperlinks to other websites
Campaigning Once candidates are announced at noon on Monday 27 February, you can start campaigning!
Voting Voting opens at 10am on Monday 6 March and closes at 5pm on Thursday 9 March. King’s students can vote by: 1. Logging in 2. Going to kclsu.org/elections 3. Filling in their self-definition Profile 3. Clicking on ‘Vote now’ Remember – only the students that you’ll be representing can vote for you – for example, only international students can vote for the International Students’ Association.
Voting Uses the Single Transferable Vote (STV) formula, so second preferences matter! Candidates are displayed randomly For the duration a student is logged into the voting system, the device being used is deemed to be a voting station Students may only vote for each position once and votes may not be changed after being submitted
By submitting your nomination, you give KCLSU permission to: Include your name and publicity in any press releases for the KCLSU Elections Display your manifesto in publicity for the KCLSU Elections Display your name on the KCLSU website Forward your information onto the College for the purpose of verification Place on the KCLSU website a brief outline of the Elections Disciplinary Panel’s findings, if found in breach of any of the disciplinary grounds. This information can include your name, disciplinary sanction imposed and the reason for any sanction.
Code of conduct & expenses
Code of conduct Taking part in a KCLSU election means following a code of conduct (agreeing to rules about behaviours and actions during the elections process). By nominating yourself, you’ll have agreed to this code of conduct.
Code of conduct Prohibited promotion of candidacy or campaign Campaign activity by candidate or campaign team before campaign period has begun Campaign publicity that is displayed in undesignated KCLSU and KCL Spaces or without permission. A list of designated areas is available at kclsu.org/elections/posters Campaign publicity that causes damage to KCLSU or KCL property Campaign spend exceeding the campaign spending limit. Defamation of another candidate or campaign Tampering with another’s campaign material Negative campaign activity in regards to another candidate or their campaign What do you think constitutes negative campaigning? ‘I disagree with this candidate’s position on XXXX because…’ ‘I think that this candidate’s position on XXXX is silly and wrong’ Has to be specific – no assumed truths. Advice is still to focus on your own campaign.
Code of conduct Anti-social and intimidating behaviour, or any violation of KCLSU Safe Space Policy Attempts by candidate or campaign team to influence or interfere whilst a student is casting their vote Campaigning activity that is disruptive to others Campaigning activity that uses disorderly, threatening, harassing or offensive behaviour or language; in person, in writing (including electronically) or orally Campaigning activity that uses intimidating or discriminatory behaviour or language; in person, in writing (including electronically) or orally Campaign activity that may have criminal and/or legal implications.
Code of conduct Prohibited endorsement Unauthorised use of KCLSU branding Permitting an employee of King’s College London or KCLSU, to endorse a candidate or campaign through their position or by using privileges/access given to them as a member of staff Inviting a person who is not a member of KCLSU to campaign on KCL or KCLSU premises Accepting sponsorship or donations either monetary or gifts in kind. Any service or product that a candidate does not pay for, that cannot be accessed by all candidates, is counted as sponsorship. Candidates may use free services or products that are available to everyone, e.g. old cardboard, KCLSU free printing machines, etc.’ Free printing is fine, any other printing needs to show receipts
Expenses If you choose to spend money on your campaign, the rules and processes for expenses are: You can spend no more than £100 on campaign materials, with no more than £75 of this being spent on paper based materials. In your candidate guide there is a Candidate Expenses form, which you should keep updated at all times. The Returning Officer (an external adjudicator who oversees the elections) or any student can request this information at any time. You can add to this Campaigns Expenses form until the cap has been reached. You and your campaign team are not allowed to accept sponsorship or donations. KCLSU will allow each candidate to claim back £10 in election expenses. This will be reimbursed following the end of the elections. You will need to scan your receipts and send a copy of your Campaigns Expenses form to elections@kclsu.org within 28 days of voting closing. Please note that you will need to provide receipts for everything that you use – so you can’t use things that you already own like old t shirts. Don’t print at home – use the free printing machines or print within the University so you have record of it.
Free stuff Make use of what is available for free – such as: The free printing in the Macadam Lobby, Strand and the reception of the West Wing, Guys Badge and banner making materials
Enquiries Contact elections@kclsu.org for: Questions about the elections process Help and guidance Contact rocomplaints@kclsu.org for: Actions (conduct) of a candidate or their campaign team The administration of the elections For this, provide as much evidence and detail as possible. Complaints about a candidate/campaign team have to be submitted no later than 1 hour after close of voting. Complaints about administration of the elections (the count) have to be made no later than 24 after the close of the election count.
Elections tips
Writing your manifesto Your manifesto should include: A bit about yourself, what you stand for, what you’ll do if elected. Association Lead Officers Think about what you will do if you are elected – what are the issues that you care about? Be concise – stick to 3-5 key points and make sure these stand out NUS Delegates What you stand for and what national policy you’ll support
When do people vote?
Campaigning The most important thing is to campaign in the way that suits you – but here are a few ideas: Get your friends involved Face to face conversations Lecture shout outs Attend events (kclsu.org/events/) Create stuff – you’ll all get a banner, 20 badges and use of our paints and paintbrushes each Make a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdyEVqk0K8U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oJdUVGQ6yU
Social media Facebook Twitter Be creative with Create an organisation group – for your campaign team Create a voters group – encourage people to join an open group if they’re thinking about voting for you Make voting an event – this will remind people to vote for you Twitter Use the hashtag #springelections More public platform than Facebook – reaches people outside your friendship circle Be creative with Instagram Snapchat – we will hopefully have a voting Geofilter Youtube Most people are online between 9 – 10pm, so concentrate your social media activity around then.
Candidate promotion Badge and banner making Each candidate will be provided with a banner, 20 badges and use of our badge-maker, paints and paintbrushes. You’ll be able to book these materials out by emailing elections@kclsu.org. Let me know what you’d like to use, and what time and date you’d like to use them (the badge-maker, paints and paintbrushes must be returned by 6pm the same day). I’ll email you back to confirm, and then you can go and pick them up from that Student Centre at the date/time you specified.
Support for candidates We are here to support you throughout the elections! I’m here to chat to you about any questions. We’ve also got: Buddy phone You’ll receive texts to check how things are going, and you can use this number to get in contact with us ‘Stay Well While Campaigning’ tips It’s really important to stay well and get support if you need it. There are loads of tips for keeping well while campaigning in your candidate booklets. One-to-one support Adina Bernstein (adina.bernstein@kclsu.org) is your Welfare Contact. Get in touch if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to have a chat.
First things first… Running in an election should be a positive experience.
One-to-One Support Adina Bernstein is your Elections Welfare Contact. Adina can: Provide confidential support if you are feeling worried, overwhelmed, or just want to talk Give you practical advice if you are concerned about the impact of campaigning on your studies Refer you to other support services that you may find useful You can arrange a meeting or call with Adina by emailing adina.bernstein@kclsu.org
Stay Well While Campaigning Get support Get a strategy Take your time Healthy body, healthy mind Focus on you
Post Results Support Whatever the result, it’s a massive achievement to stand in the elections and get involved in creating change for students. If you’d like to talk after the results come in, get in touch to speak in confidence. adina.bernstein@kclsu.org
We also affiliate to We are trying to ‘normalise’ Nightline at King’s as a resource any student can go to. Nightline offer confidential listening & information for students by students. Phone: 020 7631 0101 Email: listening@nightline.org.uk Skype Phone: londonnightline Skype Chat: nightline.chat Text: 07717 989 900 6pm-8am
Any questions?