Departmental Waiver Advisory Committee (DWAC) NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services And NC Division of Medical Assistance Departmental Waiver Advisory Committee (DWAC) Dennis Farley, DMH/DD/SAS Systems Performance Team October 15, 2015
DWAC Purpose The DHHS Waiver Advisory Committee (DWAC) is an advisory body to DHHS that will provide input and consultation over the following: 1. Implementation / Operational phases of the 1915 b/c Medicaid waivers 2. Ongoing LME-MCO operations (Medicaid managed care, Innovations, and LME operations)
DWAC Method The DWAC will review quarterly and annual report summaries of LME-MCO performance. The DWAC will provide consultation around local and statewide system goals; review outcome measures and trend data; will highlight and recommend areas of best practice; and will assist with problem identification and resolution.
DWAC Stakeholder Representation 3 Providers: 2 local, 1 statewide 2 consumers from State Consumer Family Advisory Committee (CFAC) 2 consumers from local Consumer and Family Advisory Committees 3 consumers not on state or local CFAC, one from each disability group 1 member from External Advisory Team 2 members representing the County Commissioners 2 members representing the LME-MCOs DMA-Director DMHDDSAS—Director, Medical Officer DHHS—Deputy Director for Health Services
DWAC General Information Monthly meetings held the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-3:30 in Raleigh
Questions LME Liaison, DMH/DD/SAS staff support to DWAC (919) 630-7582