Rochelle Park Board of Education 2017-2018 Budget Presentation Midland school #1 Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, Superintendent Jennifer Pfohl, Business Administrator
Board of Education Mrs. Dimitria Leakas, President Mrs. Maria Lauerman, Vice President Board of Education Members Mrs. Shirley Abraham Mr. Sam Allos Mrs. Arelene Ciliento Buyck Mrs. Theresa Judge Cravello Mr. Matt Trawinski
Midland School Mission Statement We envision an educational community which inspires and empowers all students to become self-sufficient and thrive in a complex, global society.
Midland School Vision Statement Establish and maintain a shared responsibility among home, school and the greater community which fosters student learning, accountability, and citizenship. To provide curricula that enables all students to meet or exceed current national, state and local standards. To utilize a variety of formative and summative assessments in order to differentiate and guide instruction. The district, as a Professional Learning Community, will provide on-going professional development training and opportunities for collaboration among faculty and staff. Provide a safe and nurturing environment where all students have free access to academic and extra-curricular programs.
2017-2018 School Budget Information Fiscal responsibility REMAINS a high priority. The School Budget provides for all students PreK through Grade 12. There is no vote on the school budget if the General Fund tax levy is at or below the State cap of 2%. The tentative 2017-2018 School Budget has been approved by the Bergen County Office of the NJ Department of Education and is being publicly presented this evening. Final approval by the Rochelle Park Board of Education will occur at the May 4, 2017 meeting. Total Operating Budget is $13,008,881 (increase of 1.78% from 2016-2017). Total Tax Levy of $11,501,565 (Increase .61% from $11,431,522)
2017-2018 Budgeted Revenues $13,008,881 Total General Fund $11,991,267 Category Budget % Budgeted Fund Balance $256,800 1.97% Local Tax Levy $11,197,749 86.08% State Aid $537,515 4.13% Miscellaneous $115,010 0.88% Capital Reserve Withdrawal $281,819 2.17% Total General Fund $11,991,267 95.23% Special Grants & Debt Grants & Entitlements $159,660 1.23% Debt Repayment $460,328 3.54% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,008,881
Revenue Comparison 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Revenue Source 2016-2017 2017-2018 Difference - $ % Local Tax Levy $11,431,522 $11,501,565 $70,043 0.61% Budgeted Fund Balance $270,501 $256,800 $(13,701) (5.07%) State Aid $612,515 $537,515 $(75,000) (12.24%) Capital Reserve $0 $281,819 100% Grants & Entitlements $199,577 $159,660 $(39,917) (20.00%) Debt Service Aid $122,257 $156,512 $34,255 28.02% Miscellaneous $145,010 $115,010 $(30,000) (20.69%) Total: $12,781,382 $13,008,881 $227,499 1.78%
Historical State Aid Analysis School Year State Aid Operating Budget % of operating budget 2008-2009 639,542 9,710,313 6.59% 2009-2010 450,152 9,849,190 4.57% 2010-2011 213,811 9,654,533 2.21% 2011-2012 397,031 9,671,607 4.11% 2012-2013 448,665 9,665,080 4.64% 2013-2014 439,707 10,643,627 4.13% 2014-2015 461,659 11,521,848 4.01% 2015-2016 452,567 12,258,045 3.69% 2016-2017 462,515 12,781,382 3.62% 2017-2018 13,008,881 3.56%
2017-2018 Budgeted Appropriations Category Budget % Regular Ed/Co-curricular $3,300,069 25.37% Special Ed, BSIP, ESL $1,448,245 11.13% Administration & Tech $764,548 5.88% Tuition $3,319,114 25.51% Maint.& Transportation $1,159,882 8.92% Benefits $1,470,985 11.31% Support Services $617,618 4.75% Capital Outlay $308,432 2.37% Total General Fund $12,388,893 95.23% Special Grants & Debt Grants & Entitlements $159,660 1.23% Debt Repayment $460,328 3.54% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,008,881
Budgeted Appropriations Category 2016-2017 $ % of Total Budget 2017-2018 $ Instruction $ 4,342,574 33.98% $4,482,329 34.46% Instruction Support Services 895,598 7.01% 883,603 6.79% Tuition 3,245,416 25.39% 3,319,114 25.51% Administrative Support Services 777,141 6.08% 764,548 5.88% Operation and Maintenance of Plant 891,515 6.98% 813,082 6.25% Transportation 322,434 2.52% 346,800 2.67% Employee Benefits 1,489,983 11.66% 1,470,984 11.31% Capital Outlay 26,613 0.21% 308,432 2.37% Total Operating Expense $ 11,991,277 93.82% $12,388,893 95.23% State and Federal Grants 199,577 1.56% 159,660 1.23% Debt Service 590,528 4.62% 460,328 3.54% Total Appropriations $12,781,382 100.00% $13,008,881
District Enrollment Data 10/15/2015 ACTUAL 10/15/2016 ACTUAL 10/15/2017 ESTIMATED Pupils on Roll 438 432 423 Pupils on Roll - Special 64 71 72 Subtotal - Pupils on Roll: 502 503 495 Private School Placements: 3 Pupils Sent - Reg. Ed. 133.5 118.5 125 Pupils Sent - Special Ed. 26 23.5 22 Pupils Sent – Charter Schools 9 6 TOTAL 673.5 654 651
2017-2018 Budget Overview Total 2017-2018 Proposed Budget inclusive of grants and debt service is $13,008,881 Total Budget increase = $227,498 over the 16-17 school year @ $12,781,382. Total 2017-2018 Operating Budget is $12,388,893 Operating Budget increase = $281,819 over the 16-17 school year @ $11,991,277. Total 2017-2018 Tax Levy is $11,501,565 Tax Levy increase = $70,042 over the 16-17 school year @ 11,431,522. Percentage increase is 1.78% Percentage is 1.31% Percentage increase is .61%
Referendum Impact on 2017-2018 School Budget On December 10, 2013, the local taxpayers of Rochelle Park approved the proposed $6,513,000 Referendum. During the 2017-2018 school year, the referendum projects will have an additional tax impact of $105.79 on the average assessed home of $334,000. 2017-2018 General Fund Tax Levy per Average Assessed RP Home $3,899.18 2017-2018 Referendum Tax Levy $ 105.79 2017-2018 School Budget Tax Levy on Average home $ 4,004.97 Decrease of $12.63 for the average home valued at $334,000 – based on revised total Township assessment. Based on information provided on NJ Department of Education tax calculations.
Tax Impact How much will my taxes increase? To calculate the tax rate, divide the amount to be raised by taxes by total Assessed Valuation (Bergen County Tax Guide as of 10/2016): Amount to be Raised Assessed Valuation Tax Rate per $100 Fiscal Year 2017 11.431,522 950,349,700 1.203 2018 11,501,565 959,189,200 1.199 Amount to Be Raised 70,043 (0.00378) How much will my taxes increase? Average Residential Value Tax Rate change Tax Impact 334,000 ($12.63) Or calculate as follows: Tax Rate Total Tax Tax Rate 2017 0.01203 $4,017.60 Tax Rate 2018 0.01991 $4,004.97 Impact on Average Household $(12.63)
Thank you for your support! As always, the Rochelle Park Board of Education and administration is committed to developing a school budget that provides for a 21st century education within the tax levy cap of 2%. Our efforts represent our commitment to be fiscally responsible to our taxpayers while meeting or exceeding the State Learning Standards so that our students succeed and thrive as lifelong learners. Please feel free to contact Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller at (201) 843-3120 ext. 114 or Mrs. Jennifer Pfohl at (201) 707-0484 for additional information.