805 S. Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955 Announcements for the week of September 18, 2016 805 S. Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955
Sunday 10:30am & 6:00pm Each Lord’s Day! 8 AM & as needed - see Bro. Sims
Bible Class for All Ages Sunday 9:15 AM Bible Class for All Ages Tuesday 7:00 PM Thursday 11:00 AM
WE WILL PICK YOU UP! Transportation is available to classes and worship. Please let us know if you need a ride! Anthony Blunt- 386 334-8833 Leon Smoke- 321 537-9327
Walter Brothers Bula Franklin Calvin Moore Pamelya Owens Carolyn Robinson Lorenzo Watson Titus Miles Harold & Ruth Collins Edward & Ann Bouey Thomas Byrd Helen Clayton Hansel Bell Jerome Jackson Clyde & Betty Sims Connie Mallory Jasmine Nicole Joiner Dorothy Hall Rosa Marble Valerie Washington Azzie Howard Pamela Owens Rosemary McGill Bennie Cobb Edward Smith Margie Miles & Family Queen Smoke Shirley Rhynes & Family Karl & Nellie Brightman The Tabors Ernest Law & Family Maria Smoke Herbert Smith Barbara Watson Johnnie McNeil Stepheni Hardy NeoDasha Harris
Last week for weighing in! Fellowship Lunch, September 24, 2016 @ 12 noon @ Red Lobster Sisters don’t forget to weigh in today!
All Parents Please stay for a brief meeting After Worship Service. See Sis. Ranada Sims
Meeting Wednesday, September 21 @ 6:00 pm Please plan to attend!
Church Clean-up Day September 24, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
games food fellowship fun Every Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 5:30 pm.
Breast Cancer Awareness Activities Sign up for the Making Strides Walk @ makingstrideswalk.org. Look for our team The Christian Walkers (brothers can walk too!) Contribute for the cause. Please see Sis. Bouey or any member of the Christian Walkers team. Encourage others to participate.
Listen to our radio broadcasts Tune IN Radio, Simple Radio on Sunday morning! Station: 1510 AM For the best in Accapella Gospel music and the Word of God preached each Sunday morning listen to our radio broadcasts starting at 7:30 am on WWBC-The Christian Voice of Brevard The Christian Voice of Brevard Bro Joe Felton & Bro Anthony Blunt Also available on Radio Apps on the Web- Tune IN Radio, Simple Radio
Spiritual Leadership Study 1st & 3rd Sunday & Tuesday! Please plan to attend the Spiritual Leadership Study on the 1st & 3rd Sunday at 9:15 am and Tuesday evening at 7 pm.
Men’s Bible Study 4th Sunday @ 9:15 am All Men please plan to attend. Study is from the book: I Sought For A Man. Questions? Please see Bro. Sims
Timothy Class September 25 @ 4:45 pm. All brothers please plan to attend.
Attention Brothers! Our next Fiske Blvd Church of Christ Men’s Meeting will convene on October 1 at 9:00 am. Plan to attend!
Thursday, October 6 at 7pm
Next Breakfast is Wednesday, October 12, 2016 @ 9am! The 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 9am in the J.P. Henry Hall. All brothers are encouraged to attend! Next Breakfast is Wednesday, October 12, 2016 @ 9am!
HOMECOMING 2016! Saturday @ 5pm- Song Fest Sunday SCHEDULE Saturday @ 5pm- Song Fest Sunday @ 9am-Bible Class; 11am-Worship Dinner Served @ 12:30 pm @ Cocoa West Center Afternoon Program & Worship @ 3pm Monday-Thursday Gospel Meeting Nightly @ 7pm Colors: Purple & Teal Ad info: see Sis. Courtenay Blunt & Sis. Debbie Sims
Singing and Devotional Thursday at 7PM
FISKE BLVD CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible Questions? FISKE BLVD CHURCH OF CHRIST 805 South Fiske Boulevard Rockledge, Florida 32955 321 632-1010 Randy Cole Sims, Sr Senior Minister