1. The safe way is always the right way.


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Presentation transcript:

1. The safe way is always the right way. 6th grade Safety Notes 1. The safe way is always the right way.

2. Hand tools with loose handles should be fixed before using them.

3. Student’s need to get permission from the instructor before using any tool.

4. Student’s need to report any accidents or broken tools to the Instructor right away.

5. Tools are put in the middle of the work table when not being used.

6. Students need to wear safety glasses before doing any work in the shop

7. Long hair needs to be tied back while working in the shop.

8. Tools are carried pointing down and away from your body.

9. Students need to tuck in any loose clothing and shirt tails.

10. When the instructor speaks, students should listen.

11. Pointed tools should be carried with the sharp surface down.

12. After staining a project, stained rags should be put in the red safety can.

13. Never carry more than one tool at the same time.

14. Scrap wood is placed in the scrap box, not on the floor while you work.

15. Rings and loose jewelry should be removed before doing any work.

16. You should allow the portable electric hand drill to stop spinning before setting down.

17. The wood vise should be closed when not in use.

18. Broken tools should be given to instructor, do not use them.

19. Doors on tool cabinets should always be closed.

20. Any spilt liquid on the shop floor needs to be cleaned up immediately.

21. Only use tools for their intended purpose.

22. Keep the shop clean by picking up trash, putting tools away and storing your materials in the proper place.

23. Horseplay and running in shop are dangerous.

24. Three forms of proper attire are 1.Closed toed shoes 2.Snug fitting shirt 3.Pants pulled up (NOT SAGGING)

25. When you witness someone breaking a safety rule or being unsafe, let the instructor know immediately.