Welcome to Chemistry with Mrs. Toner
What You Will Learn? All about matter and its interactions. What is matter? What happens to change matter? What occurs as matter changes?
What Will You Need? Materials: Composition Notebook Pen or pencil, dry erase marker, highlighter or colored pencils/pens Scientific calculator (preferably TI-30X-IIS) 2 rolls paper towels Book – we will give you online codes soon
Rules of this Classroom Respect the Teacher – I am here to give my best to you, I expect the same Respect Others – Both their personal space and property Respect Yourself – Come prepared to learn and keep your personal business personal Never Touch Anything Without Permission
How Will You Be Graded? 9 weeks Grades will be broken down into the following categories: Tests 50% 3-5 per 9 weeks Quizzes 30% 1-2 per week Class work/Homework 5% Labs 15% No late work will be accepted
Quizzes If you are unhappy with a quiz grade….You may retake the quiz if you Complete retake ticket Come in at one of the 2 scheduled retake times for that quiz Retakes are only allowed during scheduled retake times. There is always one before and one after school.
Article Assignment Each quarter you will be responsible for 6 article assignments First quarter I will assign you the articles and the prompts Second through fourth quarter you will find your own articles and choose from a list of prompts Each quarter’s assignment will count as a quiz grade Assignment is to be turned in through Edmodo by given due dates
What if I miss a Day? It is your responsibility to do all work assigned during your absence. Use the website. All assignments, notes, etc will be there. You will have one day for every day absent to turn in work if the absence is excused. All class work/homework is graded for correctness not just completion All tests and quizzes will be made up before or after school. If a lab is missed, you will need to get the data from your lab partner and complete the lab as normal.
What if I Just Don’t Get It? If there is anything you don’t understand…PLEASE ask questions. If ALL of your questions are not answered completely or you need any additional help see the tutoring schedule.
Class Routine Warm-up Be prepared to answer questions – you never know when I will call on you New content or Lab Powerpoints are on my website for preview Practice material Class activities, starting homework, etc Review content before leaving class Plickers, review games, exit slips, etc
What About Safety? Safety is one of the most important concepts in this class Before participating in any laboratory experiment, you need to Turn in a safety contract signed by both you and your parent or guardian Pass a lab safety quiz- Friday
General Safety Rules Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times Follow ALL written and verbal instructions. If you do not understand something, ask before proceeding Never work alone. Do not touch anything in the lab area until instructed to do so.
Lab Rules Do not eat, drink or chew gum in the lab Perform only authorized experiments Read procedures thoroughly before entering the lab No horseplay in the lab Only take what you NEED into the lab
Do not wear dangling jewelry or loose fitting clothing. Work with proper ventilation Dispose of all chemicals properly ALWAYS wear safety goggles Dress properly for lab. Do not wear dangling jewelry or loose fitting clothing. Wear shoes that cover your feet Tie back long hair
Report all accidents or spills to your instructor immediately Do not touch, taste, or smell chemicals unless instructed to do so Hot and cold glass look the same. Always handle glassware properly Make sure all equipment is in working order Obey any special safety precautions for particular equipment
What happens if there is an accident? Safety equipment is located around the room in the unlikely event that an accident occurs Exits are at the front (either side) and back of the room if necessary Fire blanket and fire extinguisher (front of room) Eye wash station Safety shower