Communicating with Residents #IowaLeague17 Communicating with Residents Lauran Haldeman, Public Information Officer, Bettendorf Denice Enfield, PR, Social Media Specialist, Bettendorf Handouts and presentations are available through the event app and at
Speakers Lauran Haldeman Public Information Officer 20 years with the City of Bettendorf Denice Enfield Public Relations Specialist 1 Year with the City of Bettendorf
Meet the City of Bettendorf City was incorporated in 1903, population 404 Current Population: 35,505 Estimate Population Growth: 1.5% annually, up to 47,623 by 2035 Claim to fame: One of the first modern-day riverboat casinos in the United States, The Diamond Lady, was launched in Bettendorf on April 1, 1991. Davenport’s President Riverboat also launched the same day. This sparked the introduction of regional gaming across the nation.
Tools of the Trade Public Information Officer Newsletter Public Relations Specialist Bettendorf 101: City Citizen Academy/Police Academy Citizen Survey Media Websites Social Media Access Channel Citizen Information Email Newsletter Alert Iowa YourGov Bettendorf Now Ward Meetings Communication Network Special Events Volunteers
Social Media Facebook, Twitter and YouTube The 7 Rules of Social Media by Colin Wood Local governments use social media to promote transparency, enhance engagement, and foster collaboration. Identify which social media platform(s) will work for your community Good content is crucial to engage residents, businesses, and visitors. Post frequently, not too frequently
Social Media Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Communicate, be professional Encourage participation Good content is crucial to engage residents, businesses, & visitors. Social media policy, have rules & stick with them
Discover Bettendorf Event Calendar allows event submissions Description of things to do, eat, experience Photos and links Coordinating Facebook page which shares events and business information
Citizen Survey National Citizen Survey Background The NCS gathers resident opinion across a range of community issues. This tool improves service delivery, strengthened communications with residents and helped leaders identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting. Endorsed by the International City/County Management Association and the National League of Cities. National Citizen Survey Background • City takes part in the survey every other year. Survey are mailed. Postcard sent to randomly selected households. • 2016 - 1,500 surveys were mailed. 476 surveys returned. Typical response number is between 300-400. • Data from surveys found on the City’s website. • NRC’s database includes the results from citizen surveys conducted in about 600 jurisdictions in the United States.
Voice of the People Award Cities receiving award showed biggest improvement in service ratings and/or highest rated services according to a representative sample. Bettendorf has received the VOP Award: 2007 – Excellence in garbage collection, library services, overall services, park services & police 2009 – Excellence in garbage collection services, library services, parks & overall services 2011- Excellence in police services, garbage collection, recycling services, library services, and overall services 2015 - Finalist for Excellence in Built Environment & Mobility 2017 – Nominated for Transformation in Safety/Excellence in Safety & Excellence in Community Engagement
Citizen Information Email, Newsletter & Government Access Channel City Newsletter Citizen Information Email Government Access Channel
Marketing and Brand Merchandise featuring City of Bettendorf logo available for purchase. Online Store Golf Course Family Museum Isle Casino
Marketing and Brand Traveling Exhibit Program - one year rental program coordinated by Quad City Arts 4 new locations on public property 1 new location on private property 1 existing location on public property Enhancing the art presence in our community
Using Special Events to Communicate Tis the Season 4th of July Festival Public Works Day Discovery Fair
Communicating with Business Bettendorf Business Network holds monthly meetings Additional marketing meetings for BBN In person visits – FAM Tour
Bettendorf 101: City Citizen Academy Academy is a seven week interactive program that looks into the operations of the City. Participants will gain knowledge through discussions, demonstrations and site visits. Citizens will learn how they can play a role in the future of Bettendorf. The academy gives city staff the opportunity to receive community feedback.
YourGov Request application that allows residents to report non-emergency issues and service requests using the web or smartphone. YourGOV users can submit common issues such as potholes or vandalism, complete with location, details, and photos. Once submitted, YourGOV will automatically deliver requests to staff. Users of Apple iPhone can download free app in iTunes App Store. Users of Android can download the free app in Google Market or Amazon App Store.
Alert Iowa Statewide mass notification and emergency messaging system that can be used by state and local authorities as well as the National Weather Service to quickly disseminate emergency information to residents in counties that utilize the system.
Bettendorf Now Bi-monthly informational program Airs on Government Access Channel & City’s website Promotes events, city projects, & recreational activities
Ill/Ia Communication Network The mission of the Communication Network is to bring local communications professionals together for the purpose of sharing information, developing relationships, and to provide communication support, resources and/or assistance to each other in the event of a crisis, emergency situation or catastrophic event in the Quad Cities region. The group will foster an informational link between each branch of the committee, which includes governments, public safety, schools, health facilities, utilities, and private businesses.
Questions Contact Information Lauran Haldeman, Public Information Officer 1609 State Street, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 563-344-4033 Denice Enfield, Public Relations Specialist 563-344-4526