A Study of the Epistle of James, 5:13 A Praying Life A Study of the Epistle of James, 5:13
In Whatever Season, whether joy or despair, reach out to Jesus, reach out in prayer. Spiritual Life Principle:
Prayer Comforts Emotional Needs “Are any suffering? Let them pray.” Suffering: Outside pressures producing anxiety. Let them propel your prayers upward.
Prayer Comforts Emotional Needs What hinders prayer? Embarrassment. Pride. Attitude of Self-Sufficiency. Our Flesh, the World, the Devil.
Prayer Comforts Emotional Needs How do we overcome these? Understand we have help. Gal. 4:6. Educate your heart. You are a child of God! Wrestle your heart into submission. Allow the Spirit to pray for you. Rom. 8:26.
Prayer Comforts Emotional Needs How do we overcome these? Understand that affliction is God drawing your heart to His.
Prayer Comforts Emotional Needs Secondly, “Are you joyful? Sing praise to God!” Your circumstances can propel you to praise God. Paul & Silas in Philippi. When we wrestle our hearts we are rewarded with peace and joy.
Prayer Comforts Emotional Needs Consider Horatio Spafford. Author of It is Well with my Soul. Lost everything in great Chicago fire. 2 years later…lost his 4 daughters in a shipwreck.
Spiritual Life Principle Application: I have learned to wrestle my heart in prayer to find peace and joy in God. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I am more often given to fear, anxiety and panic instead of continuous prayer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10