Population Geography The story so far…
Global population trends What has happened to global population since 8000 B.C. Why? What has been the Geographical spread of these changes? (how has population growth changes in different places at different times?)
How is demographic data collected? What is a census? Why are the uses of census data? What difficulties complicate the census process?
Population dynamics: Fertility Natural increase Migration Crude birth rate or age specific birth rate Factors influencing fertility Pro or anti-natalist? The role of women
Population dynamics: mortality Crude death rate or age specific death rate Infant mortality rate Life expectancy Factors influencing mortality
Population structure: characteristics and consequences Ways of processing demographic data Guessing the future using population structure graphs (implications): aging populations – low population growth youthful populations – high population growth Economically active/dependant Population momentum
The demographic transition Characteristics of each stage, reasons for them and case studies Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Case study: China Pro-natalist Anti-natalist One child policies Other factors
Migration motivations for migration (push and pull factors) Types of migration and case studies Consequences of migration For receiving country For sending country