English paper 1 Grade 10 - 12
The toilet The first time I went to this toilet I was on my way to the bus stop. Usually I went straight to the bus stop outside the OK Bazaars where it was well lit, and I could see. I would wait there standing or just looking at growing number of cars and buses on their way to town. On this day it was raining quite hard, so I thought I should shelter in the toilet until it has paused. I checked first to see if there anyone inside. As there was no one.
The toilet I pushed the door open and went in. It smelled a little. a darkish kind of smell, as if the toilet was not used that often, it was quite clean compered to many ‘’Non-European’’ toilets I knew. The floor was planted and the walls were cream white. It did not look like it had been planted for a few years I stood looking around, with the rain coming very hard on the zinc roof. The noise was comforting –to know I had escaped the wet-only a few of the heavy drops had got me.
The toilet The plastic bag in which I carried my book and purse and neatly folded pink handkerchief was a little damp; but that was because I had used it to cover my head when I ran to the toilet. I pulled my dress down a little so it not get creased when I set down. The closed lid of the toilet was…. To be my seat for many mornings after.
The toilet Was really lucky to have found that toilet, because the winter was very cold. Not that it was any 1 … there, but once I`d closed the door it used to be a little less windy. Also the toilet was small-the walls were wonderfully close to me- it felt like it was made to fit me alone. I… that kind of privacy. I did a lot of thinking while I set on that toilet seat. I did a lot of dreaming too- many times imagining myself in some big hall doing a really popular play with other young actors. At school, we took set books like BuzaniKubawoor A Man For All
QUESTIONS 1. I in line I refers whom? 2. Why did the narrator leave the room very early? 3. The narrator did not wait at Okay Bazaars anymore. What made her change into waiting in the toilet? 4. Give a detailed description of the toilet, 5. Line9 The noise was comforting’’ what noise that?
QUESTIONS 6. What was her sister’s name? 7. What kind of a person was the madam? 8. What did the madam say to the narrator when she found her outside the room after that incident, where did the narrator go? 9. My mouth went dry as paper’’ is an example of; A. Alliteration B. Metaphor C. Simile
QUESTIONS 10. The narrator was working in the factory, give things that she was doing there. 11. Say why the following statement is FALSE. The narrator I loved boys and used them for their money. 12. The narrator’s parents wanted her to be…………..Or…………….. Write the letters only. A. Teacher B. Soldier C. Social Worker
QUESTIONS D. Nurse E. Doctor 13. What is a bari’’? 14 A toilet is not considered as a good place, but according to the narrator it is. State why is this so, Refer to line 18-19 15. What does ‘’To shelter’’ in 4 mean? 16. In your own opinion, what are your views of parents who choose careers their children?