Brandon King Elizabeth Beddow 2D Game Pitch Ink War Brandon King Elizabeth Beddow
Executive Summary Vertical Shooter Ink is taking the form of submarines to try and escape the page You must use your battleship to keep the ink on the page at all costs, or else your desk and clothes will be ruined with ink stains
Appearance Take place on one screen Sketch style artwork with an office supply theme
Player Roles and Actions You control a ship that drops torpedoes and bombs on passing submarines underneath you Controls Left/Right Arrow Keys for movement Z – Shoot Torpedo X – Shoot Penetrating Bomb C – Shoot Mine / Stop Mine / Detonate Mine Space Bar - Pause
Strategies and Motivations Earn money by – Killing enemies Completing levels Hitting the bonus shark Efficiency (Shots taken to enemies killed ratio) Remaining Lives Use money to purchase upgrades for your ship and weapons Destroy the required amount of ships to beat the level
Level Summary Takes place on one screen Each level has increasingly more enemies to kill to complete As levels progress, the speed and amount of enemies on screen at once will increase
Development Specification Hardware PC Software Adobe Flash
Algorithms Collision detection for all ships and projectiles Algorithm for calculating money earned money+=(score*3)+(lvl*100)+(lives*20)+efficiency Algorithm for increasing difficulty Use mod to Add subs every 3 levels Increase speed every 4 levels Add cruisers every 5 levels
Resources The Essential Guide to Flash Games: Building Interactive Entertainment with ActionScript 3.0 By Jeff Fulton and Steve Fulton