Curriculum and Instruction BOOTCAMP! Dual Enrollment No MORE GUESS WORK
Dual Enrollment Dual enrollment allows students to receive both high school and college credit for certain career/technical education courses taken through an Alabama Community College System (ACCS) institution while enrolled in high school. Dual enrollment credit is available to students attending, public, private, parochial or church/religious schools pursuant to §16-28-1 of Code of Alabama 1975, or who are receiving instruction from a home school/private tutor pursuant to §16-28-5 of the Code of Alabama. Dual enrollment credit in career-technical education is awarded under State Board of Education Policy 801.03 and 801.04. Scholarship opportunities may be available to students that meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the dual enrollment program.
Dual Enrollment Courses shall be postsecondary/college level. Postsecondary/college level remedial courses shall not meet the requirements of this program. Students enrolled in courses offered during the normal high school day on or off the high school campus shall have prior permission of the student’s principal, superintendent, and the participating postsecondary institution president. Local boards of education shall adopt policies addressing parental permission and travel for courses offered off the high school campus during the normal school day.
Dual Enrollment - Postsecondary Institutions Local boards of education may establish dual enrollment programs allowing certain high school students to enroll in postsecondary institutions in order to dually earn credits for a high school diploma and/or a postsecondary degree at both the high school and participating postsecondary levels.
The dual enrollment program is open to all students meeting the following requirements: Have a “B” average, as defined by local board of education policy, in completed high school courses; Have written approval of the student’s principal and superintendent; and Be in grade 10, 11, or 12 or have an exception granted by the participating postsecondary institution upon the recommendation of the student’s principal and superintendent and in accordance with AAC Rule 290-8-9-.17 regarding gifted and talented students.
MEMORANDUM (April 3, 2015)
Credits and Hours One (1) three semester hour postsecondary/college level course shall equal one (1) high school Carnegie credit in the same or related subject. Partial credit agreements shall be developed between the local board of education and participating postsecondary institutions.
How do I know what programs are eligible for the scholarship money How do I know what programs are eligible for the scholarship money? What do I do differently, if anything, for students who are paying for Dual Enrollment? How do I know what course name and number to use for my students?
Alabama Community College System
Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment programs that allow high school students to take academic coursework at community colleges are common across Alabama, and include all of the two-year colleges except Ingram State Technical College and Marion Military Institute. Colleges partner with area high schools and local Boards of Education to facilitate the cooperative dual enrollment.
Priority Programs for Scholarship eligibility
The Program Qualifies. the Student Qualifies. Now What?
2015-16 Subject and Personnel Codes with Course Descriptions
Dual Enrollment Courses #900,000 and MORE!!
Subject and Personnel Codes with Descriptions INOW # College Course Description College and SDE Course Name
2015-16 Subject and personnel Code Course List
Course Code List College & SDE Course Name College Short Name Indicating Program of Study INOW #
Don’t Forget the Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting Systems (sTARS) Program Alabama STARS The computerized database designed to house contractual agreements to be honored by all public institutions dealing with the statewide articulation agreements for the transfer of credit among all public institution in Alabama. Housed on the Alabama Commission for Higher Education Website AT
Early College Enrollment Program The Early College Enrollment Program (ECEP) provides an opportunity for high school students to earn college credits toward a technical or health certificate and/or degree that meets local, regional, or state high-skill, high- wage, and high-demand critical workforce training needs while completing high school.
Meg Smith 334-353-0777