Facial bones Nasal Lacrimal Palatine Inf nasal conchae Maxillae Vomer Zygomatic Mandible
Nasal bones. Lacrimal bones Small, fattened, rectangular shape Major portion is made up of cartilage Smallest Post-lateral Medial wall of each orbit Contain lacrimal fossa
Palatine inf nasal conchae Post portion of hard pallate Floor, lateral wall of nasal cavity Inf lateral wall of nasal cavity
Vomer. Maxillae Triangular Superior- ethmoid, sphenoid Inf maxillae and palatine Divide nasal cavity into right left Articulate wiyh every bone, bt mandible Orbit floor Lateral wall, floor of nasal cavity Most of the hard palate Maxillary sinus
Zygomatic. Mandible Cheek bones Lateral wall and floor of each orbit Articulate with frontal, sphenoid, temporal, maxilla Temporal process Largest strongest facial bone Only movable skull bone
Nasal septum Nasal cavity devided into right left vertical portItions called nasal septum Vomer, septal cartilage and Plate of ethmoid bone
Orbits 7 bones= 3 cranial frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid 4 facial palatine, zygomatic, lacrimal, maxilla Frontal sphenoid= roof Zygomatic sphenoid = lateral wall Maxilla zygomatic palatine= floor Maxilla lacrimal ethmoid sphenoid= medial wall
Sutures Immovable joints, only in skull Children...often movable 1. Coronal suture: frontal parietal 2. Sigittal suture: parietal bones 3. Lambdoid suture: parietal occipital 4. Squamous suture: parietal temporal
Paranasal sinuses Cavities in certain cranial and facial bones near the nasal cavity Lined with mucus membranes Frontal sphenoid ethmoid maxilla Resonating chamber
Fontanels Newly formed embryo consists of cartilage or mesenchyme- arranged in sheetlike layers that resembles membranes shaped lime the bones they will become. Anterior fontanel...18 24 months Post...2 months Anterio lateral...3 months Posterio lateral...12 months
Hyoid bone = u shaped Suspended from styloid process of temporal bones Ant neck between mandible larynx Body, lesser horns, greater horns Often fractured duting strangulation