Get out your spirals Write the Learning Goal & critical question in the top section of your spiral. Then answer the warm up question. Critical Question: What are the 6 different components of DNA? Warm Up Question: Where is DNA located in a prokaryotic cell? Eukaryotic cell? What’s it’s function? HINT: Look at your cell diagrams. PO 1. Analyze the relationships among nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), genes, and chromosomes. MARKERS AT EACH TABLE!!
Warm Up Question Where is DNA located in a prokaryotic cell? Eukaryotic cell? What’s it’s function? In the cytoplasm (free floating) Inside the nucleus Controls the cell’s function Because it contains the cell’s DNA
Cellular Processes DNA Goal: Remember the shape and components that make up DNA and their relation to each other
Genome Is a COMPLETE set of an organisms DNA You have 100 trillion cells in your body Each has the exact same genome inside the nucleus If pages in a book represented one cell’s genome, the book would reach 65 ft high If you extended all 100 trillion of your cells’ genome you could reach the moon and back 6,000 times [(250 days) (8 months)]
How does all that DNA fit inside an organism? All organisms have a certain amount of DNA that carries instructions necessary for life (genome). Where is DNA located in bacterial cells? How is DNA packaged into a cell? discuss possible answers with shoulder partner Working with the person across from you, fit the “DNA” inside the prokaryotic cell. How did you get the DNA packed into the cell? “Prokaryotic Cell” Unused DNA (or genes) gets twisted and twisted and twisted around itself until it is compacted and small enough to fit inside a cell. 5 minute Timer “DNA”
So what is DNA? & Where is it? DNA – DeoxyriboNucleicAcid Genetic material that carries instructional information for a cell’s function and it’s passed on from generation to generation It’s found in the form of chromatin (tangled mumbo jumbo) Inside the nucleus Tangled string and compact string
What does a DNA molecules look like? A twisted ladder Created by repeating subunits called Nucleotides Nucleotide Nitrogen Base The rungs of the ladder 5 Carbon Sugar (deoxyribose) where the rung meets the side of the ladder Phosphate Group The space in between the rungs on the side
What the twisted Ladder Means Nucleotide Nitrogen Base Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine 5 Carbon Sugar (deoxyribose) Phosphate Group Draw Here A=T C=G 2 hydrogen bonds 3 hydrogen bonds
The Hand of DNA Draw the structures of DNA onto your hand Nitrogen Bases Adenine- binds to Thymine Cytosine- binds to Guanine Guanine- binds to Cytosine Thymine-binds to Adenine Phosphate – bonds to the 5th carbon of the sugar Deoxyribose Sugar- 5 carbon sugar
Discuss these questions with your shoulder partner Where are the sugar and phosphate located? Where are the nitrogen bases located? What letters pair up? Observe the 5’ and the 3’ What direction does it run in relation to your thumb? Just like you read left to right, DNA is read from 5’ to 3’
What are the 6 components of DNA? Use this time to answer the critical question as 1 of your exit tickets. What are the 6 components of DNA? When you have answered the critical question. Grab and correctly color the DNA strands
DNA Replication
DNA Replication Process 1. An Enzyme (Helicase) breaks the hydrogen bonds (unzips) the double stranded DNA Helicase T G G T A C A G C T A G T C A T C G T A C C G T
Matching bases of DNA & RNA Double stranded DNA unzips Helicase T G G T A C A G C T A G T C A T C G T A C C G T
Exit Ticket Describe the overall shape of the DNA molecule. How many strands of DNA are in one molecule? What structures of DNA does the - palm and - thumb represent in your “Hand of DNA” activity