SC & TC Meeting 29 Sept. - 1 Oct Tabarz, Thür, GERMANY


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Presentation transcript:

SC & TC Meeting 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009 Tabarz, Thür, GERMANY TPTP SIMP Poland Przemek POSTAWA, PhD. Eng. Tom JARUGA, PhD. Eng. SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

short overview of all the work done untill now Content: short overview of all the work done untill now work done in the last 6 months work to be done in the coming 6 months SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

Contribution of TPTP and work done in the last 6 months We have prepared last version of translated Training Modules for Polish SMEs, The 4th National Meeting was held on 8th of may 2009 in the Headquater of TPTP in Czestochowa. All Training Moduls with video and Software were presented there. After National Meeting we have sent CDs with all presentations from meeting and asked SMEs partners about their feedback and remarks regarding the software and Training Modules. We asked SMEs partners about the case study of EDM time processing (for Wouter), SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

Work done in the last 6 months We have visited two of our SME partners Banninger-Formtehnik and Zych (most involved in the project) to get more feedback about Training Modules, and analyses of some cases from production in KnowEDM software We have translated and sent to SMEs instruction of calibration process, We have presented the KnowEDM Project and companies involving in during Open Days organized with Polish companies at Czestochowa University of Technology We spent a lot of time to help with preparation of Cost Statement documentation for SMEs and TPTP SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

4th National Meeting in Poland 12 participants from 7 SMEs were present SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

Our website is still active - the news and documents to download 6 SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

Dissemination and promotion of the KnowEDM project during International Plastic Fair PLASTPOL in Kielce, 26-29th May 2009. Leaflets and smart poster were presented during fair. SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

Work to be done in the coming 6 months After the end of the Project we will print posters with summary results of the Project and information about people and companies involved in. Those posters will be send to all partners and other companies in toolmaking industry. Maintain information about KnowEDM Project on the website of Institute of Polymer Processing and on the service of KnowEDM website 1 year after end of the project Meeting with polish SMEs and present advantages of involving in KnowEDM Project during national conference organized by TPTP and Czestochowa University of Technology in October 2010 SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009

Thank you for your kind attention Przemek (Pshemek) POSTAWA, PhD. Tom JARUGA, PhD TPTP SIMP 19C Armii Krajowej Ave. 42-200 Czestochowa POLAND Thank you for your kind attention Coordinator Scientific Officer Han Oosterling Antonio Loredan SC & TC Meeting in Germany 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2009