What is Bible Art School? Our Teachers Director Rose Park iamrosepark@gmail.com (626) 261-2122 Do Hoon Bang bdohoon@naver.com Laxmi Lama lamalaxmi55@yahoo.com Esther Jo estherharangjo@gmail.com Bible Art School is a fusion between Bible Study class and Five Sensory Art Games. Children are highly encouraged to engage all of their five senses to explore and experience Bible through a fun learning environment. Bible Art Class is an extension of the Education Ministry and a part of Full Gospel San Francisco Church that desire to provide high quality learning environment to every children. Bible Art School Purpose: 1. to provide children with fun Bible study experiences 2. to help children develop their gifts 3. to help children experience God and to serve God in a creative manner 4. to allow parents to attend Bible study 5. to serve and reach out to the local community to share love and the good news of Jesus When : Feb 5 – Apr 30 (12wks) Sundays at 1-2pm Where : 2nd Floor CM & Pre-K Rooms
Bible Art and Technology 2017 Spring Topic: Ten Commandments Theme: Love Your God Love Your Neighbor! Semester Curriculum . Bible Art and Music . Bible Art and Sensory . Bible Art and Craft . Bible Art Math & Science . Bible Art and Games . Bible Art and Technology