SOCIOLOGISTS… Recognize that complex social systems that surround us influence us. (family, school, peers, media, history, etc…) Believe that we can only understand human behaviour by doing research and analysis of structures of society and how they influence individual and group behaviour.
1. ANALYSIS OF STATUS A hierarchy of power and authority exists and each position has a different role Example: School-Rank these positions in order from most powerful to least powerful Administrative Assistant Caretaker Principal Student Teacher Vice-Principal
School Example Cont… To distinguish these roles people are expected to dress, talk and act in a distinctive manner (unwritten rules in society) These roles conflict at times. Can you think of any examples where these roles conflict?
2. BREAKING THE RULES People who take on certain roles are expected to follow the norms. Sociologists often study deviance from the norm (e.g. people who commit crimes) What role does society play in creating deviant behaviour? Do people who accept society’s values succeed while others rebel? Example: Merton’s Strain Theory
MERTON’S STRAIN THEORY People strive to go through societal paths to achieve success. If these paths are blocked (e.g. poverty), people sometimes resort to illegitimate means to achieve the goals. Handout: Strain Theory
Schools of Thought in Sociology 1. STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM: Believe to understand a society we must study how segments of the society work to meet the needs of society as a whole. (e.g. Family raises children, school educates children) Believe humans exist in a state of equilibrium and consensus, not conflict and competition (therefore social problems are temporary) Criticism of theory-not enough emphasis on change & ignores effects of conflict and competition
School of Thought Cont… 2. NEO-MARXISM: Believe economic and political power is the key to understanding societies. Society involves groups of people competing. Society is always changing & social changes result from changes to economic system (e.g. Monarchy vs Capitalism) Institutions (schools, prisons, etc…) created to emphasize division between powerful and powerless (powerless feel isolated) Criticism of theory-ignores redeeming qualities of many people (e.g. rich giving to poor) & has too much emphasis on conflict
School of Thought Cont… 3. SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM: Believe the human brain intervenes between what we observe and how we act. To understand society we must understand how the individual mind works. Criticism of theory-ignores society’s institutions. How do we know observations are not manipulated by social institutions? (e.g. media)
School of Thought Cont… 4. FEMINIST THEORY: Believe the value systems of most societies are sexist and therefore dysfunctional. To change, social institutions must acknowledge gender issues. Criticism of theory-overemphasize gender as a key determinant. Ignore race, social class, etc…
School of Thought Cont… 5. INCLUSIONISM: Believe sociologists must recognize the ethnic diversity within societies by studying the experiences of all groups and rejecting the urge to judge through the eyes of the majority.
BRANCHES OF SOCIOLOGY URBAN-Studies stresses and strains placed on humans by increased urbanization. CRIMINOLOGY-Studies causes of crime and how law affects society. SOCIAL PATHOLOGY-Studies various social problems such as poverty, crime, discrimination, etc… RELIGION-Studies the influence religious groups have on attitudes and behaviours in society. POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY-Studies the effect that various groups and sub-groups have on the political environment.