A short overview of the war World War II A short overview of the war
Causes of World War II World War I - After this war too much was left unresolved and most of the blame was placed on Germany. Germans were made to feel ashamed. The Great Depression - When the stock market in the US crashed so did the German Economy. Most people were out of work which made life very difficult and made people have little faith in the democracy that was governing them at the time.
Causes of World War II Cont. Germany’s Invasion of Poland - In Sept. Of 1939 German forces took control of Poland causing Great Britain (England) & France to declare war on Germany.
Who was Involved? World War II was fought from Sept. 1,1939 - Sept. 2,1945. There were two major groups involved. Allied Powers - Great Britain (England), France, Soviet Union (Russia), and The United States. Axis Powers - Germany, Italy and Japan
Where was the War Fought? There were several areas in the world where it was fought. The European Theater - Battles that were fought in European nations and Russian territories mainly against Germany and Italy. The Pacific Theater - Battles that were fought on the islands in the Pacific Ocean, China and South East Asia mainly against Japan.
Where was the War Fought? Cont. Northern Africa - Areas that were controlled by France had now been taken over by Germany and Italy.
World War II Tech Adv World War II saw a great advancement in weaponry. Machine Guns - Improved greatly and could hold and fire more bullets than earlier versions. Tanks - Improved and were more durable than earlier ones.
World War II Tech Adv Cont. Planes - Were improved and were used much more in this war. Battleships - Were improved and would play a big part in the fight against Japan in the pacific.
Important Dates: Beginning of the War Great Britain (England) and France begin fighting Germany after it invaded Poland in 1939. France Surrenders to Germany on June 22,1940 and will not be freed until 1944.
Beginning of the War Cont. Russia had a treaty with the Nazis until they attacked them in 1941. The US enters the war after Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese Empire on Dec 7, 1941.
Allies Begin to Win US and Allies invade Normandy, France on June 6,1944, also known as D-Day, to gain back control of the country. This successful invasion helps to start bringing an end to the war.
End of the War In May of 1945 Germany Surrenders to the Allies. In August of 1945 the US drops the secretive atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to surrender. Japan officially surrenders on Sept 2, 1945.
Outcomes of The War United Nations was formed to replace failed League of Nations and is still operational today. Nuremberg Trials were held to hold Nazi Officers accountable for their war crimes.
Leaders of the Axis Powers Adolf Hitler - Leader/Dictator of Germany from 1933 - 1945, Nazi Party founding member responsible for the Holocaust and the deaths of millions of innocent people.
Leaders of the Axis Powers Cont. Benito Mussolini - Fascist Leader of Italy from 1925 - 1945. Became Allies with Nazi Germany during WW II.
Leaders of the Axis Powers Cont. Emperor Hirohito - Emperor of Japan from 1926 - 1989. Became Allies with Italy and Germany during WW II. Invaded many islands in the Pacific ocean and approved the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Leaders of the Allied Powers Franklin D Roosevelt - President of The US from 1933 - 1945. Was in office for the majority of WW II until his death in April of 1945 A few months before WW II ended.
Leaders of the Allied Powers Harry S. Truman - President of The US from 1945- 1953. Took over the presidency after FDR died. Was the President who made the final decision to drop atomic bomb in Japan to bring and end to WW II.
Leaders of the Allied Powers Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister from 1940-1945 and again from 1951-1955.
Leaders of the Allied Powers Joseph Stalin - Leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 - 1952. Joined allies in 1941 after Nazi Germany invaded Russia.
Leaders of the Allied Powers Charles de Gaulle France’s minister for National Defense and War June 1940 French General who led the French in their fight against Germany After WW II he became President of France, 1958-69