Letter from Robert Murray Ross to his Mother Dear Mother, Don’t mind how this looks as I am writing on a rough board outside my tent. All goes well with me and on the same old job of postmaster. Have not heard from you during the past week but probably will along towards the end of the week. We have been having very hot days but the nights are always cool and last night was cold. I sleep under four thicknesses of blankets and was cold. These U.S. blankets are like paper, will buy one if I can find one that does not cost all out-doors. I am enclosing a picture which one of the fellows took a few days ago. It doesn’t look as tho soldier life was very hard on me but believe me it sure gets mighty tiresome at times. This picture was taken just in the rear of our battalion headquarters which is about four minutes walk from the ocean. Have been in swimming several afternoons lately. We can go in between 5 and 6 PM. Also all day Sunday if we
Letter from Robert Murray Ross to his Mother have nothing to do. You ask for Hawes address. It is A. F. Hawes, US Forest Service, Wash DC. Pay the T. house insurance as it might be good enough to burn down this winter. No such luck I guess. By the time you get this you probably will have had a little vacation somewhere. A year sure makes changes and it won’t be long now until I have been in the army a year. In some ways it seems a lifetime. I have no kick however as I couldn’t have had it much nicer. Must call this all for now and hope you will be able to make this out. Lots of love to you all and lets hop another year will see the finish of this war game. Love Dutch