Introduction to Systems of the Body Standards: S7L2d. Explain that tissues, organs, and organ systems serve the needs cells have for oxygen, food, and waste removal. S7L2e. Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration, reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control and coordination, and for protection from disease). Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the standards aligned to the lesson.
Levels of Organization Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the slide to remind students of the levels of organization in the body learned in a previous lesson.
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the image to again illustrate the levels of organization in the human body.
How is the human body like a city? Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should pose the question to the class. Call on students or allow students to work with a partner to come up with a possible answer. After a minute of allowing student discussions, you can direct the students to page 585 in the McDougal Littell Life Science book.
Each cell works as part of a larger unit to perform some function for the organism. Processes carried out by individual cells directly relate to the performance of an organism’s tissues and organ systems. Functions of the major organ systems and relationships that exists make one system dependent on another to function properly. Every movement and/or action taken by one organ system directly affects other organ systems. Cellular energy is required by all cells that make up all systems in order for these movements/actions to take place. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide
Brainstorming Systems of the Body: With a partner, write down names of any systems that make up the human body. Name organs of each system. Instructional Approach(s): Give the students about 1 minute to discuss. Partners can be determined by the students or the teacher can provide more specific directions such as turn to the person directly in front/behind you or to the right/left of you, etc. It may be necessary to have a group of three if you have an uneven number of students. Do not allow more than 1 minute of discussion time. The teacher should be walking around listening and redirecting discussions as needed. The teacher can briefly discuss student responses.
Systems of the Body Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the slide showing the systems of the body
Body Systems Working Together Activity Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use one of the suggested activities linked on the curriculum map to demonstrate body systems working together
Introduction to Systems of the Body Video Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should show the short video introducing the systems of the body