PrESENTED BY Stanley G. Feinsod 2011-2012 Work Plan APTA High-Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail Committee PrESENTED BY Stanley G. Feinsod
Committee Mission Passenger rail investments will profoundly impact the American economy, development of its major activity centers, mobility of its citizens, the capacity and efficiency of the overall transportation system and contribute to environmental quality and the quality of life. And yet there is a broad based ongoing campaign against passenger rail investments. The committee will take a number of actions to be sure that all Americans have the complete story about why passenger rail is so important to them, their cities, states, region, the work force, and the overall competitiveness of our nation. The Committee will move aggressively to create a strong message based on the beneficial returns on passenger rail investments and by developing material to inform Americans about what passenger rail will five them and the type of losses our nation will be facing without it. The overall result of the work of the Committee will be a strong campaign of persuasive information and evidence to support investment in passenger rail infrastructure. Activities will include development of messages that are most effective and well received by the public, the media, and policy-makers in the political climate of today. The character and tenor of the information will be aimed at capturing the hearts and minds of the public.
Outreach and Communication Areas of Core Focus Outreach and Communication Programs, Information Sharing and Networking Partnerships Making Our Case Technical Activities
Communications and Outreach Create a “Communications Subcommittee” Launch a “One Message” initiative Conduct monthly media calls on HSIPR issues Participate in Social Media Conduct “immediate action” activities. Ever-Improving Website: Center for High-Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail Newly formed House HSIPR Caucus APTA Youth Summit Committee communications
Programs, Information Sharing and Networking 2011 International Practicum on Implementing High-Speed Rail in the United States (May 3-5) APTA 2011 Rail Conference (June 12 – 15) APTA Annual Meeting (October 2 – 5) 2012 UIC World Congress on High-Speed Rail
Partnerships Solidify a coalition among core partners (building on MOU). Core partners include AASHTO, S4PRC, One-Rail, U.S. Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, National Association of Counties, ARTBA, APTA State Affairs Committee, the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations and others. Rally the coalition around a common initiative, such as turning legislative principles into a draft bill. U.S. DOT and FRA are key partners.
Making the Case Response to Critics: Provide a user friendly “Myths and Realities” piece to be accessible as needed. Tax Revenues for State and Local Governments The Case for Business Investment in HSIPR Affirm the New Attitudes of Younger Generations Firming up the Business Market Return-on-Investment Series Comprehensive On-line catalogue of research, data, facts and statistics.
Technical Activities Recommend that the PRESS Task Force develop standards for service over 125 MPH. Develop interoperability issues and concerns Develop common performance specifications for rolling stock Avoid costly regional differences Collaborate with AREMA on Design criteria for high speed running on structures, in tunnels and at-grade. Train control systems criteria
Implement the Work Program through Re-Energized Subcommittees Legislative Subcommittee Communications Subcommittee Research Subcommittee Labor / Workforce Development Funding, Finance and Program Delivery Canadian Membership and Outreach Programs Shared Corridor Technical
Intended Outcomes Capture the Hearts and Minds of the Public Unified Partners / One Message World Class Meetings Cutting Edge Research