The Spread of Buddhism in Tang China Model Lesson 3 The Spread of Buddhism in Tang China
Standard 7.3.1 Describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and reasons for the spread of Buddhism in Tang China, Korea, and Japan.
Divide up the sections of the lesson overview. Take a minute to review your sections. Share out with your team.
The Prompt What caused Buddhism to spread in China during the Tang Dynasty? Write a response focusing on two of the following reasons: religious reasons, political reasons, economic reasons, or social reasons.
The Goals of the Lesson Learn about how and why the ideas of Buddhism spread through China Develop reading and writing skills by practicing to identify big ideas and by summarizing information Develop the ability to read and understand maps and visuals Practice categorizing information Write a paragraph explaining how and why Buddhism spread
Day One
The Hook Working with a partner, brainstorm answers to the questions.
Background Reading Read the background reading. As you read, circle the words or phases that indicate the big idea of each paragraph. When you have finished reading, write a summary statement at the bottom of the page.
Map Analysis 9
Working with a partner, the map on Document 2 and answer the corresponding questions.
Day Two
Read the document. Note that the reading is broken into the categories of GRAPES. As you read, circle the big ideas in each of the paragraphs. In the box, explain two reasons why that category lead to the spread of Buddhism and answer the question related to that section.
Visual Recap As you look at each of the following images, think about these questions: What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know? Activity has been designed as a quick review
What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know?
What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know?
What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know?
What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know?
What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know?
What do you see? Which category does the image relate to? How do you know?
Day Three
Differentiation Diary
School Discussion What works well for our students? What do we need to modify? What support do we need to give the lesson? When would you give the lesson?
EL Strategies in Lesson 7.3.1 Vocabulary support Explanation stems Pre-writing graphic organizer Writing graphic organizer What other strategies or types of differentiation beyond this might be needed in your classroom? Refer to Appendix B (Meeting the Needs of All Students) for additional ideas. Record any ideas in your Differentiation Diary.
Questions Comments Concerns ?
Contact Information Pre K-12 History/Social Science Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support Los Angeles Unified School District 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 25th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 241 – 6444