Colonial Economy APUSH Agenda


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Presentation transcript:

Colonial Economy APUSH Agenda BR) Salem Witch Trials IP) Colonial Women – Golden Age Discussion – Slavery & Colonial Economy ET) SAQ 4 Colonial Economy Bell-Ringer Write an argumentative paragraph about what caused the Salem Witch Crisis. Homework RN 4C (4.3) – Mon. RN 4D (Essay Planner) Ch. 4 Quiz Date Thursday Aug. 24, 2017 ESAT APUSH

Key Concepts Unit Objective Daily Objective 2.2 II (a, b, c) APUSH ESAT APUSH Unit Objective Daily Objective Students will be able to evaluate the impact of European exploration on societies indigenous to the Americas as well as on European society. SWBAT contrast the Enlightenment’s push for liberty and reason with the rationale for expanding chattel slavery in the Americas.

Salem Witch Crisis Phase 1 Silently read and highlight “Salem Witch Crisis: Summary: 3 minutes Why do you think there were so many accusations of witchcraft all at the same time? Why do you believe the people of Salem believed the girls’ accusations of witchcraft?

Salem Witch Crisis Phase 2 Read Evidence A & B Complete the chart for A & B 10 minutes

Salem Witch Crisis Phase 3 Read Evidence C & D Complete the chart for C & D 10 minutes

Was the Colonial Period a Golden Age for Women in America? Instructions Work in Teams of 3 Read your article. Find 3-5 strongest arguments (with evidence) to support your position. Record. 30 minutes

Paul B. Anthony L. Ingrid O. Angelica B. Kevin L. Felipe V. Angie C. Joshua H. Martin S. Seleny C. Jason J. Jeans R. Gabriel D. Rodrigo M. Priscilla S. Damon D. Maraila M. Lucero S. Deanna G. David L. Christian W. Henry G. Joshua M. Ziani P. Cesar H. Frankie M. Lesperanza U.

Roxana A. Omar G. Ivan S. Jose C. Bryanna M. Jessica T. Maria C. Kyle M. Jocelyn U. Christian C. Emma G. Zoe R. Giselle C. Angie R. Isaac C. Danielle G. Kevin S. Anthony D. Giselle M. Mattie S. Geri G. Excell V.

Ashley A. Melina M. Edson R. Marisol A. Isaac M. Rony P. Juan A. Enrique L. Emily P. Emily A. Jesse H. Yesenia R. Will A. Evelyn L. Briana S. Adrian B. Gianpaul M. Richard S. Oswaldo B. Wayne L. Roger P. Dennis R. Virginia C. Yezan J. Matthew M. Jared T. Uriel F. Michelle J. Andres P.

1. Define the Glorious Revolution.

2. What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on the British views of sovereignty (power to rule) of the monarch?

3. Examine the impact of the Glorious Revolution New England, New York, Maryland (individually) and on the American colonies as a whole.

4. Examine both the text of the chapter as well as the map on page 99 to describe how slavery in the American colonies changed within the period 1607 to 1754.

5. Describe the conditions of the Middle Passage for African Slaves.

6. Many argue that the impact of the slave trade on Africans is comparable to, if not worse than, the impact of the Holocaust on the Jewish culture.

7. Compare and contrast the Stono Rebellion to the New York City conflicts (1741).

Colonial Economy APUSH Agenda BR) Salem Witch Trials IP) Colonial Women – Golden Age Discussion – Slavery & Colonial Economy ET) SAQ 4 Colonial Economy Exit Ticket Contrast the Enlightenment’s push for liberty and reason with the rationale for expanding chattel slavery in the Americas. Homework RN 4C (4.3) – Mon. RN 4D (Essay Planner) Ch. 4 Quiz Email to reserve spots for Hamilton!!!! Date Thursday Aug. 24, 2017 ESAT APUSH