CDM DMSS Desktop Instruction Re-Order supplier Pick List UPDATED 10-21-16
Re-Order Supplier Pick List CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION Re-Order Supplier Pick List Due to the large number of requests for technical data, Triumph added a Supplier Self Service feature which will automatically deliver data overnight. Posted data will still remain on the Portal for 30 days. The new feature allows you to order data that is no longer available on the Portal. Suppliers will select required documents from a Pick List of data maintained by their ‘Keep Up To Date’ list. This feature is called Supplier Re-Order. From the menu bar, select ‘Request Documents,’ then ‘Re-Order Technical Data’. Please use this feature instead of submitting the Request for Technical Data (RTD) when needing data that was previously sent. The system will check for a valid PO and will send the latest revision of the requested data. The latest addition to this feature is the ability to order a TSSP and receive all the data required for that part. For part based programs, data is driven by the REF Doc section of the TSSP. For model based programs, model is built from the BOM section and data is driven by the REF Doc section of the TSSP. Now you can order just the TSSP or all the parts required. Along with this capability, suppliers can view their orders and all special orders posted to their company within the last 30 days. To view all Company orders, select ‘Request Data,’ then View All Orders.’ To view your own orders, select ‘Request Data,’ then ‘My Order Cart’.
New Re-Order Supplier Pick List CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION New Re-Order Supplier Pick List All data on PO is maintained on the Keep Up To Date (KUTD) list. You are required to use this new tool to order all data that is on your KUTD. Follow these 6 easy steps to place your order. STEP 1 - From the Home Page, select ‘Request Documents’
CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION STEP 2 – From Menu, select Re-Order Pick List/Technical Data
CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION Latest Feature – To receive TSSP only, select the first box. To receive TSSP and all parts/models driven by that TSSP, select the first box and ‘BOM Expand’.
CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION STEP 3 – Enter the required Part Number using an *asterisk. Option to change number of records returned per page. Then Select.
CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION STEP 4 – Select All or individual item(s). NEW - Select the BOM Expand option if require all TSSP parts. Then ‘Request Documents’. If required item is not found, change the page, or query again and better define the search. STEP 5 – Select ‘My Order Cart’ to see the items requested. As long as the Status is NEW, the item can be ‘Removed’ from the order list if desired. 7
CDM DMSS DESKTOP INSTRUCTION STEP 6 – After order has been processed, check the Order Carts for status. See the Legend for Status Descriptions.