Crisis: Rwanda, 1994
Basics of the Rwanda Crisis 1994 Hutu rebels attempted to eliminate the Tutsi race in their country Hutus slaughtered nearly 1 million Tutsis About half of the Tutsis This is a modern Genocide: killing of an race of people in attempt to wipe them off the planet
Why was there so much hatred? This was a new attempt at a new Holocaust… why didn’t anyone try to stop it?
Why were the HUTU people so mad? Hutus were angry at Tutsis Tutsis were a part of racist laws that discriminated against Hutus Rwanda had been a colony of Belgium Belgium used Tutsi minority to help rule Hutus were a majority, but had no power
More background to the hatred Prior to 1962 Independence, Hutus started attacking Tutsis 100,000 escaped to neighboring countries They formed the Rwanda Patriotic Front army (RPF) They attacked from the outside
Hutus prepare to eliminate the Tutsis Every time the RPF attacked, the Hutu government retaliated with slaughter and repression of Tutsis 1973 – a Hutu general overthrew the government in a military coup He ruled as a dictator Juvénal Habyarimana
1990s – peace to Civil War Foreign investment grew the economy Attacks diminished, population grew, all seemed OK. Mostly, Hutus prospered, Tutsis did not Suddenly, in 1990, the RPF attacked, a Civil War started, and weakened the President 1993 – the Hutu President was forced to sign a peace treaty
The beginning of the conflict Hutus were livid. Some formed civilian run militant group (Interhamwe) to combat RPF 1994, a plane carrying the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi was shot down Hutus blamed RPF Interhamwe coordinated attacks on Tutsis
The Rwanda Crisis, 1994 Three armies in conflict: RPF (Tutsi rebel army) INTERHAMWE (civilian Hutu thugs) RWANDA MILITARY (sided with Hutus) Extremist Hutu set up road blocks and killed all Tutsi and moderate Hutu Forced civilians to take up arms and rat out neighbors Tutsis were being exterminated Show first 1.5 min (or up to 5m)
Murders grew to the thousands
Refugees grew the millions
Refugee camp
Why didn’t anyone do anything?
Something happened in neighboring Somalia in 1993 that caused us to not want to help ANYONE in Africa
Generous Americans Americans had raised millions of $$ in 1985 For Ethiopian starvation One of the earliest groups to fund raise was the Council Rock SEB in 1984. They raised thousands of $$ for rice and grain. Led to LIVE AID 1985 One of the most generous completely giving events ever Americans started raising $$ again. For starving Somalians
Problem… War Lords in Somalia confiscated grain Sold for a profit Food never got to the most needy
Americans were aghast. They wanted to help. The outgoing President, George Bush (Sr.) wanted to help. The United States looked for someone to condemn.
Should America have helped? Why not?... Or How should we help?
1993, The President ordered US troops to find and neutralize the leading War Lords 25,000 Americans were a part of a multi-national force, instructed to protect the innocent, and find and eliminate the War Lords preventing progress.
We were hailed as heroes. By everyone BUT the War Lords The War Lords panicked. They lied to their followers. They told them the Americans were there to attack, to kill their mothers and wives…
During one mission, two American Blackhawk Helos were shot down.
Americans fought bravely, trying to rescue the fallen, but 18 lost their lives, 80 injured.
Several were stripped naked and drug through the dusty streets
How should we respond? (Somalians had shot Americans down, drug their bodies through the streets, and filmed it all.)
Shortly after, the Americans pulled out, not willing for more Americans to die in this cause.
Should Pres. Clinton have responded?
The “real” Hotel Rwanda guys Nick Nolte Don Cheadle click Paul Rusesabagina Gen Romeo Dallaire
Uganda Idi Amin Dada: 5 evil men: