EXAMPLE Discussion Topics UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Discussion Topics OUA: Tell success story as well as challenges: Accomplishments, Key Observations, Recommendations ACOTA / GPOI Link the ADAPT-G efforts to the ACOTA training to provide assistance to trained battalions preparing for deployment Other efforts that we can link: Vehicle Maintenance (VEMAT), Africa Peacekeeping Rapid Response Partnership Six partner countries: Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania,& Uganda How we can use APRRP to enhance defense institutions and improve regional capabilities for peacekeeping, which creates the linkage to the tactical level training that the ACOTA/GPOI programs provide to national or regional institutions DIB- Malawi Sergeants Major Academy – increased MDF role as instructors and opening the course to regional partners to enhance NCO professional development in south Africa DRC Log School ongoing now (Began Nov 14), 600 students graduate in April. RAF (including Army Log University) providing Advisory Training Support to build DRC Institutional Logistic capacity. Counter- Terrorism Efforts- do we see the operational environment the same, and do we share the same priorities, DoS will see the proposals and have a vote, and the DoS representation at the AFRICOM RSWG offers that opportunity for collaborative planning and prioritization Posture and CSL Development- development of specific locations to project forces from in the event of crisis, that can provide support to DoS personnel and facilities DOS RAF Expectation Management: Use of Total Force RAF for low density skill sets and other enablers not organic to RAB (Log, IRS, Med, PR) requires RFF through normal (and somewhat lengthy) GFM process, which equals 120 day lead time. For urgent requirement, AMB Memorandum can go direct to SECDEF, streamlining processes. EXAMPLE UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
EXAMPLE Discussion Topics UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Discussion Topics AFRICAN HORIZONS/REGIONAL APPROACH “AFRICAN HORIZONS” is “Operationalized” via USARAF Annual OPORD and the USARAF Campaign Support Plan (CSP). Regional Approach ties ACCORD Exercise Series to Regional Leaders Seminars---Shaping Annual African Land Forces Summit. and Future ACCORD Exercises and MEDRETEs USARAF goal is to enable long-term institutional capacity improvements with African partners. BUDGETING Priorities and Validation of Requirements - Intent is for USARAF to be the Service Component of Choice for African Partners and AFRICOM Commander. - Our business model is straight forward: be frugal, be efficient, and when possible: get someone else to foot the bill. - USARAF’s business model uses base funding for employment of enabling HQ functions---and employs the RAF for SMEEs/TCT’s/Exercises. - Judicious use of Funds Allocated to USARAF via “US Army Mission Funding , Strategy” results in excellent “Return on Investment” of US taxpayers security dollars in Africa. RAF READINESS - Enhancing Cooperative Training Locations is a USARAF initiative to focus our efforts on 3 countries (Senegal, Uganda & Botswana) with regional influence. We are partnering with JMTC in order to exploit enormous capability with execution of live, virtual and constructive training exercises. How do we best partner with institutions in Africa? Use of 1203 Authorities to execute training EXAMPLE UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO