Salt Water vs. Fresh Water
H2O is a compound that can exist as a liquid, solid or a gas.
One water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Fresh water is water that is not salty and has little or no taste, color, or odor.
Freshwater can be found in rivers, many lakes, underground in aquifers, and in the form of ice.
All precipitation that falls to the surface of Earth is fresh water.
Salt water is water that contains dissolved salts and other minerals.
Salt water is not for human consumption Salt water is not for human consumption. Meaning humans cannot drink saltwater or use saltwater.
The salt in the Earth’s oceans comes from minerals dissolved from rocks as water moves toward the oceans.
Most of the water on the Earth is saltwater Most of the water on the Earth is saltwater. Only a small amount is fresh water.
The majority of the Earth's surface is covered with water.
The water on Earth is not evenly distributed The water on Earth is not evenly distributed. Most of it is unsuitable for drinking.
The total volume of water on the Earth is 326 million cubic miles.
97% of Earth’s water is in the oceans as salt water.
3% of Earth’s water is fresh water.
2% of Earth’s water is frozen in ice caps and glaciers.
Less than 1% (0.65%) of Earth’s water is fresh water in lakes, streams, groundwater, and water vapor in the atmosphere.