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Presentation transcript:


Definitions Essence of sin is self-centeredness or selfishness - Is this definition satisfactory or unsatisfactory? Why or why not?

Definitions Essence of sin is self-centeredness or selfishness It is unsatisfactory because: Scripture does not define sin in this way. How does Scripture define sin? Can we do something for personal benefit and God would bless that? Matt. 6:19-21; 1 Thess. 4:3; Ezek. 33:11 Can we have selfless devotion to something and sin? What is God’s highest goal? Isa. 42:8; 43:7; Eph. 1:12

Definitions B. Sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature - Is this definition satisfactory or unsatisfactory? Why or why not?

Definitions B. Sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature It is satisfactory because: Talks about actions – what are some examples? Talks about attitudes – what are some examples? Talks about our moral nature – Eph. 2:3

The Origin of Sin The first sin was that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-19) This was in many ways typical of sin in general: 1. What is true – Gen. 3:4 2. Who am I – Gen. 3:5 3. What is right – Gen. 3:6 4. Sin is irrational – They chose foolishly Can you name some parallels between the temptation faced by Eve and temptations that you face even now in the Christian life?

The Doctrine of Inherited Sin Inherited Guilt – guilty because of Adam’s sin. Rom. 5:12; 18-19 People say this is unfair. We did not actually decide to sin, did we? Then how can we be counted guilty? Is it just for God to act this way? Inherited Corruption: we have a sinful nature because of Adam’s sin – mind, will, emotions, intellect, desires, goals, motives Psalm 51:5 Can we do anything good before God? What about infants who die before they are old enough to understand and respond to the gospel?

Actual Sin in our Lives Are there degrees of sin? James 2:10-11 John 19:11 James 3:1 What is the unpardonable sin? Matt. 12:31-32

Discussion Questions As we have seen, bad characters make for a bad culture, but a bad culture also makes for bad characters. Think of star athletes who curse each other and spit on referees. Are these athletes leaders or followers? Are they corrupting the appetites of the youthful fans, or are they simply giving a debased culture what it already wants?

Discussion Questions 2 Why does evil often look good to us, even exciting? Why do we find the story of a bank robbery more interesting than the story of a bank deposit?

Discussion Questions What about Exod. 1:6-21? Jacob’s life ~ Gen. 25:19-34 ~ Gen. 27:14-26 ~ Gen. 31:1-7 ~ Gen. 32:22-24a