1 Thess 1:9-10 (NKJV) 9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
Knowing God’s Word First Thessalonians
Knowing God’s Word Two weeks ago we looked at Colossians, a letter Paul wrote to the church in Colossae addressing some false teachings This week we move onto the book of First Thessalonians I Thessalonians is the 13th book in the NT and is the 8th of the Pauline Epistles (Romans through Philemon)
Knowing God’s Word Paul is the author of the book of I Thessalonians, addressed along with Silvanus & Timothy (1:1) This first letter to the Thessalonians is the second letter Paul wrote in order of date The date of the writing of this book would be around 51 AD
Knowing God’s Word Thessalonica was the chief city of Macedonia It was a seaport on the northwest corner of the Aegean Sea, having a Roman highway running through from East-West It’s name today is Thessaloniki, located in the same spot
Knowing God’s Word Paul founded the church there on his second missionary journey following the “Macedonian call” We find the story there in Acts 17:1-9 There were many who were converted there, but also many who resisted and caused trouble
Knowing God’s Word Paul writes this letter to the church at Thessalonica out of concern for their faith (2:17-3:5) He is encouraged by the report from Timothy concerning them (3:6-10) Paul encourages them to live faithful lives and writes concerning the resurrection and hope
Knowing God’s Word Uniqueness of First Thessalonians: Each chapter closes with note of Christ’s second coming (1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:16; 5:23) 5:14-22 contains 15 exhortations, similar to those in Romans 12 There are no Old Testament quotes in this letter
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in I Thessalonians: 1:3 1:6-7 1:9-10 2:4 2:10-13 3:7
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in I Thessalonians: 3:12-13 4:3 4:9-12 4:13-18 5:2,5-6 5:14-22
Knowing God’s Word Outline of I Thessalonians: Greeting (1:1) Personal Thoughts (1:2-3:13) Thanksgiving for the Church (1:2-10) Reminders for the Church (2:1-16) Concerns for the Church (2:17-3:13) Practical Instructions (4:1-5:22) On Moral Purity (4:1-8)
Knowing God’s Word Outline of I Thessalonians: Practical Instructions (4:1-5:22) On Disciplined Living (4:9-12) On Death and the Resurrection (4:13-18) On Holy Living & Day of the Lord (5:1-11) On Church Relationships (5:12-22) Benediction (5:23-24) Final Remarks (5:25-28)