Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Report to IEEE Region Committee


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Report to IEEE Region Committee Bill Harrison, Director-Elect SoutheastCon, April 4-6, 2003

IEEE Strategic Themes Planning Retreat At Board of Directors Meeting (February 2003, Dallas, TX) Breakout Groups Addressed: Products & Services Volunteerism Industry Relations IEEE Governance

Region 3 Sections Survey Region 3 Section Concerns Regional Support Sections & Chapters

Region 3 Focused Thinking Recommendations For Region 3 Focused Thinking - Presented by Bill Ratcliff Strategic & Operational Planning Hierarchy Vision Direction Objectives Projects Processes/Operations - Continuing Actions Pareto's Principle: 5% of the Activity Accounts for 95% of the Impact.

Management Spectrum Think Strategically - Act Operationally Manage Each Project/Process/Operation Continually Assess Need for Changes Raise Flags As Required Deal With Issues As They Arise

Main Region 3 Thing IEEE MEMBER

Region 3 - S.W.O.T.+ B. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, Broke) Threat: Financial Environment Threat: Competition for Time/Interest of Member

Region 3 - S.W.O.T.+ B. Weakness: Region <---> Section Communication Weakness: Not Communicating/Taking Full Advantage of Mentoring,Training, and Development Resources Weakness: We Should Take Greater Advantage of Awards, Nomination and Other Member Recognition Possibilities Weakness: Employer/Relationships Weakness: SoutheastCon Issues

S.W.O.T.+ B. B = Broken Broken: Contact and Response With Some Sections/Branches? Is it Really Broken? Some Excellent Connections Exist How Can Region 3 Use Those to Improve in Areas Where We Have Problems? Broke?: Knowledge Base/Archives

Region 3 Communication to and From Sections and Chapters Throughout the Region Improving Communications TO the Members Improving Communications FROM the Members Bill Ratcliff Sent Out a Call for Region ExCom Committee Chairs to Send Information on Region 3 Products and Services Available to Sections and Chapters Responses???

Region 3 Communications Topics and Ideas Create and Share Reports & Articles Publish on the Web, and in our Section & Chapter Newsletters Ask Local Volunteers Who Write Articles to Share With the Region Problems, Issues, Awards, Programs, Ideas, Projects, Solutions, Pictures

Region 3 Communications Topics and Ideas Membership Development Feedback from Sections and Chapters IEEE/RAB/Region Strategies for the Future What Products and Services Are Available from Region 3 and IEEE HQ (and How to Get Them!)

Region 3 Communications Topics and Ideas Proposal for Region Assessment Industry Relations Volunteerism Planned Giving Region History Other topics???

Training Issues Leadership training Mentoring training

Region 3 Organization for the Future: Bylaws/Operations Manual Review SPC Ad Hoc Committee to Continue Work on: ExCom Should Be a Proper Subset of the ExCom Consider Adding Two New Positions on the ExCom (and to the Region Committee) Section/Chapter Support Industry Relations (Corporate Relations) Follow the IEEE Practice of Moving Details to the Operating Manual From the Bylaws Incorporate the Principle of “Powers Reserved”, i.e., delegate to “lower organizational units” all decisions except those specifically reserved by IEEE, RAB, or Region

Region 3 Organization for the Future: Bylaws/Operations Manual Review SPC Ad Hoc Committee Will Continue Its Work and Create the Enabling Motions Region 3 Committees Should Put Their Mentors to Work -- SPC Mentors Should be Actively Participating Members (Voice and Vote) of Their Assigned Committee unless restricted by Region Bylaws Use Electronic Voting to Change Region 3 Bylaws, Operations Manual, etc.

Region 3 Finances: Past – Present - Future BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Versus Actual Income and Expenses for Past Years Budget for 2003 Projected Budgets for 2004 - 2006

Region 3 Finances: Past – Present - Future Cost Reductions Versus Increase or Reduction of Services to Members Reduce Number of ExCom Members Service Increases Such As: A Second Region Meeting Bring Committee Vice Chairs to ExCom/Region Meetings Pros and Cons of Migrating From Paper to Electronic Region 3 Newsletter

Region 3 Finances: Past – Present - Future Consider New Revenue Streams More Conference Involvement Possible Joint Investment in Conferences With Sections and Chapters Implies Development of Additional Regional Resources to Support Conferences Also Requires Billing Mechanisms for Services Provided Region Assessment – Region 3 Finance Committee to Analyze Regional Data and Make Recommendation to Region Committee

Current and Future Region 3 Conferences and Services Hosting for SoutheastCon Continue This Highly Successful Event What Issues Need to Be Addressed at the Regional and Local Level? Who Should Be Dealing With the Issues? Possibility of Developing Capability and Becoming More Involved in Future Conferences Held in the Region